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Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Dungeon Master's Guide 5th edition (revised) is the upcoming revision of the Dungeon Master's Guide 5th edition.

Weave Fantastic Adventures

This revised and expanded Dungeon Master's Guide provides all the inspiration and guidance you need to create and run thrilling adventures for the fifth edition DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game.

Inside you'll find world-building advice, a pre-built yet customizable D&D world, tricks for creating memorable adventures, hundreds of magic items, rules for player-controlled strongholds, ready-to-use maps and handouts, tips for keeping your players happy and on the edges of their seats, and other tools to help you be a great Dungeon Master.


  • Chapter 1: The Basics
  • Chapter 2: Play Walkthrough
  • Chapter 3: Rules Compendium
  • Chapter 4: Adventure Building
  • Chapter 5: Campaign building
  • Chapter 6: Cosmology
  • Chapter 7: Magic Items
  • Chapter 8: ???
  • Appendices



External Links[]

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon.


Core Sourcebooks
5th edition
Player's HandbookPlayer's Handbook (revised)Dungeon Master's GuideDungeon Master's Guide (revised)Monster ManualMonster Manual (revised)
4th edition
Player's HandbookDungeon Master's GuideMonster Manual
Player's HandbookDungeon Master's GuideMonster Manual
3rd edition
Player's HandbookDungeon Master's GuideMonster Manual
2nd edition
Player's HandbookPlayer's Handbook (revised)Dungeon Master's GuideDungeon Master Guide (revised)Monstrous Manual
1st edition
Player's HandbookDungeon Masters GuideMonster Manual