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Dyv Durn was an elderly human Lathanderian priest[1][2] and ship captain in the late 14th century DR who died while on an expedition in the Shining Sea.[1]


In the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR,[3] sometime around the month of Flamerule, a group of eccentric entertainers, entrepreneurs, and scientists embarked upon a colonizing expedition to an island they discovered in the Shining Sea off the coast of Chult, which they dubbed the "Forgotten Island". Led by a charismatic Waukeenar priest named Devlin, they sought to create a tourist attraction on the isle that would attract wealthy people from all across the Realms.[4] Among this eccentric group, Dyv Durn was the captain of one of its ships, The Bright Sunrise.[1] Three months later, things began to go awry for the expedition.[5]

Sometime around the last tenday of Eleint, Dyv Durn spoke with Baerwald, a druid who had been trying to convince the group to abandon their plans. Durn would later tell Devlin about this encounter on Marpenoth 9, revealing that the druid claimed to be a Hierophant and a druid of the nature god Silvanus. On Marpenoth 12,[3] a day after five velociraptors attacked their campsite's messhall and injured the fighter Mallus,[1] Devlin began to worry that somehow the relic they brought to make the local wildlife docile had been tampered with and so ordered Dyv Durn to prepare The Bright Sunrise for sailing. However, Durn would not get the opportunity to do so as the Forgotten Island was struck by storms for two days, trapping him and the rest of the crew inside the camp.[3]

When the storms let up on Marpenoth 16 the camp headed to their docks, discovering that both it and their ships were destroyed, thus stranding them all on the island.[6] Though the group would not discover that their destruction was caused by aquatic dinosaurs infected by olive slimes.[7] Dyv Durn was frantic to investigate the wreckage of The Bright Sunrise and had to be held back by the rest of the group.[6] Over the course of the next three days, Dyv Durn and the rest of the group would become infected with olive slimes due to close proximity with Mallus, who had contracted an infection from the velociraptors.[1][8]

On the night of the third day, Marpenoth 19, Devlin snuck into the barracks and murdered everyone inside.[1] Finding bits of olive slime on all of their bodies, Devlin worked to scrape the ooze off them. He burned the scrapings in a wicker basket and then proceeded to burn the bodies of everyone inside the barracks.[1][2] Before hanging himself the next day,[1] Dyv Durn's name and the names of the rest of the expedition crew would be recorded by Devlin in the last entry of his diary.[6]

Two days later, Marpenoth 22,[1] a group of adventurers arrived to the island in search of expedition member Briella Farthing and investigated the ruined campsite. There they discovered the corpse of Dyv Durn, badly burned and wearing his holy symbol, still lying within the ruins of the camp's barracks.[2]



Organized Play & Licensed Adventures


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Erik Mona (January 1999). A Land Remembered. Living City (RPGA), p. 20.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Erik Mona (January 1999). A Land Remembered. Living City (RPGA), p. 8.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Erik Mona (January 1999). A Land Remembered. Living City (RPGA), p. 21.
  4. Erik Mona (January 1999). A Land Remembered. Living City (RPGA), pp. 2, 4.
  5. Erik Mona (January 1999). A Land Remembered. Living City (RPGA), p. 2.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Erik Mona (January 1999). A Land Remembered. Living City (RPGA), p. 22.
  7. Erik Mona (January 1999). A Land Remembered. Living City (RPGA), p. 6.
  8. Erik Mona (January 1999). A Land Remembered. Living City (RPGA), p. 7.