Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Ebony Queen was a legendary magical ship capable that traveled between all of the genie realms on the Elemental planes, and to Qudra and the Pearl Cities of Zakhara, and to other lands of Toril in the mid–14th century DR. It was sailed by the famous Captain Soot, who was highly respected by the genies.[1][2]


It was a type of dhow called a baghla. It had black sails[3][2] and the entire ship was made from ebony wood. It was equipped with an orrery of the Inner Planes.[1]


Serving under Captain Soot, the crew of the Ebony Queen numbered thirty-three and was composed of four jann lookouts, twenty-two reformed corsairs, five sea wolf scouts, and two sea mages, female gnomes named Senoon and Unfuwa. For marines, there were thirty amazons, who were noted to be related to the Anaconda Company hailing from Katashaka; these warrior women used similar tactics and weaponry.[1][2]


The Ebony Queen conducted trade between Qudra and the Pearl Cities in Zakhara, lands outside Zakhara, and the genie realms on the elemental planes,[1][2] including the City of Brass.[3] However, its prices were as expensive as such power warranted: for passage, fares began at 200 gp per person, while for freight the cost was 300 gp per cubic foot (0.0283 m3) of cargo.[1][2]


In 1367 DR,[note 1] Captain Soot and the Ebony Queen had to beat a quick departure from the City of Brass.[3]



  1. Canon material does not provide dating for the Al-Qadim campaign setting. For the purposes of this wiki only, the current date for Al-Qadim products is assumed to be 1367 DR.



Secrets of the Lamp: Adventure Book, "In the City of Brass"

