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Eiko was a shogun of Wa who took office in 1601 (1183 DR).[1]


In 1608 (1190 DR), Eiko officially recognized the settlement around the Shining Temple of Bishamon and named it Aru after the Aru river. Furthermore, he decreed it the capital of the new Aru Province (cleaved off the existing Jasuga Province) and appointed Arata Matsutomo, head of the completely loyal Matsutomo clan, as its first daimyo; the Matsutomos dutifully relocated to Aru.[1]



In Ninja Wars, he is named "Eiko Nagahide", but it's clear the author misunderstood "Nagahide" as the family name of Matasuuri Nagahide, when it's actually his given name. Moreover, the Matasuuris took power in 1663 (1245 DR), after Eiko's reign, so he is unlikely to be a Matasuuri either. Other possibilities are the Nitta clan of early shogun Nitta Shogoro and the Hidetomi clan said to be the shoguns of Wa in Oriental Adventures, page 137. With no further information, this article adopts only the given name "Eiko".


  1. 1.0 1.1 Nigel Findley (1990). Ninja Wars. (TSR, Inc), p. 4. ISBN 0-8803-8895-1.