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Elegul Another was a cleric of Tymora in Waterdeep.[1]


Elegul was a quintessential priest of Tymora. He liked jokes, partook in dares, and was overall quite a reckless person. While he was kind enough to help others, including healing, it had its limits for he believed over-reliance on him led to a life where chance had not influence for his taste.[2]

Elegul also believed that decisions about how to spend money should be left to his church and not to the individual.[2]

Elegul believed people should not use magic items, because he believed using them was to take out the component of chance and thus turning away from his deity.[2]


Elegul was a Wandering Fortune, an adventuring priest of Tymora. He was adept at combat with either the mace or a morning star. As a cleric, he could also cast spells and he generally asked for bless, cure disease, cure light wounds, dispel magic, favor of Tymora, find traps, flame blade, hold person, and produce flame spells.[2]


Elegul once got his hand on a magic item called Halaster's teleport ring. He used it and lost all of his possessions including the ring but for his holy symbol.[3]


To prevent others from relying on him,[2] or more precisely on the powers Tymora supplied, instead of facing danger,[3] he kept himself from becoming a long-time part of an adventurer party.[2]

He was considered a quintessential follower of Tymora and the deity viewed it the same way to the point that she was willing to personally help him in danger.[2]


In 1371 DR, while in Undermountain, Elegul used a Halaster's teleport ring, lost all of his possessions, and got caught by two ettins called Huorgh and Uluth.[3]

By 1372 DR, Elegul managed to get out of Undermountain. Since then, he limited his work to Waterdeep and immediate surface areas.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Eric L. Boyd (June 2005). City of Splendors: Waterdeep. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 46. ISBN 0-7869-3693-2.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Ed Greenwood (1991). “Campaign Guide to Undermountain”. In Steven E. Schend ed. The Ruins of Undermountain (TSR, Inc.), p. 105. ISBN 1-5607-6061-3.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Ed Greenwood (1991). “Campaign Guide to Undermountain”. In Steven E. Schend ed. The Ruins of Undermountain (TSR, Inc.), p. 82. ISBN 1-5607-6061-3.