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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Elemental's Ruin was a type of enchanted adamantine rapier found in Rashemen in the late 14th century DR.[1]


Elemental's Ruin was an appropriate name for this rapier that could withstand and bypass elemental creatures' physical invulnerabilities. When wielded against elementals, this weapon damaged their core essence, allowing the wielder to perform surprise attacks and deal devastating damage as if the elementals were beings of flesh and blood. When wielded against non-elementals, this rapier acted as an enchanted +3 keen weapon, but when wielded against elementals, it became a devastating weapon with a +5 enchantment.[1]


One Elemental's Ruin rapier was stored within a burial burrow in Rashemen, north of the city of Mulsantir, where the great spirit Okku rested until the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR. It was believed that the elemental lords, who hated each other, were united in their common disdain for these weapons and sought to destroy every single Elemental's Ruin.[1]



