Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

From left to right: Human, Sun Elf, Wood Elf, Moon Elf, Drow, Wild Elf.

Elves are a long lived race that excels in magic. In the past they had huge empires that covered the High Forest, the High Moor, Chult, and much of Aglarond. However, now they have mostly left Faerun for the isle of Evermeet. Due to their long life, elves place great value in art and music, while almost no value is placed on money or wealth. Most elves worship The Seldarine.


Elves are believed to have arrived on Toril from another realm tens of thousands of millenia ago. Their first empire was created in approximately -24000 DR by the gold elves although ancient texts suggest that the elves were present on Toril at around -30000 DR which was approximately when the draconic species established their first empires.

Elves reigned on Toril in relative peace until -12000 DR when the gold elf nation of Aryvandaar invaded the dark and green elf nation of Miyiertar, starting the first of five Crown Wars which, in total lasted for 3000 years. At the end of the forth war, the Illythiiri were banished to the underdark, becoming drow and finally the fifth war that followed resolved matters, ending the conflicts. The elves remained at peace with each other (with, of course the exception of the drow) and the Dwarves had established themselves fully.


Aquatic elves Avariel Drow elves Fey'ri Moon elves Star elves Sun elves Wild elves Wood elves
