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Endreth Molipher was a former pirate[1] that decided to start a business selling monster-hunting safari experiences to wealthy Sembian merchant princes. His Dark Dragon Hunts began around 1360 DR and still occurred at least annually into the 1370s DR.[2]


Endreth was ruthless and had little regard for other people except as a means to an end. He had no qualms about maiming, torturing, and selling people into slavery. He didn't shy away from danger, but a particularly close brush with death made him rethink his choice of profession.[1]


Molipher claimed the island of Storna (off the coast of Telpir in the Sea of Fallen Stars) for himself.[1] He also had a large tract of woodland in northern Sembia on the border with the Dalelands that he called "the Dark Dragon Lands" for business purposes. On this land was a lake he named Haunted Lake and a castle that was falling into ruin that he named Haunted Lake Lodge.[2]


Endreth's venture into the semi-legitimate business world was organizing Dark Dragon Hunts for wealthy Sembians that could afford to pay a large fee to hunt a monster for the thrill of the experience and have a good story to tell when they got back home. He raised various creatures on the isle of Storna, feeding them with the "offspring" of a deepspawn he acquired. When they got big enough, he shipped them to Yhaunn in cages and then carted them overland to his hunting preserve in northern Sembia.[2]

Some of Molipher's clients were serious hunters, but many were more used to luxurious living and only dreamed of attempting dangerous heroics. For these clients, Molipher had his staff guide them through the forest and perhaps spot a monster but not engage in heavy combat. On their last night at the Lodge, they were given plenty of food, drink, and beautiful companionship. Once asleep, a wizard manipulated their dreams to weave a tale of stalking a vicious monster and defeating it in tense combat. The next morning, the staff fawned over them and praised their prowess, gave them a trophy of their "kill" (a stuffed head, a claw, or some other piece of a monster that was stored in the cellars just for this purpose), and sent home with a smile.[2]

Molipher also had a side business selling monsters and monster parts to alchemists and wizards who desired them for their research and could be discreet.[2]


Molipher had three business partners, all wizards. They were Halartan Groune of Drelt, Orbel Mhaerouzan from Saerloon, and Gorstal Hammers based in Telpir.[1] He had a number of employees and agents, including safari guides, lodge staff, guest escorts, minor wizards, monster handlers, and shipping crew. Any of these workers could also be called upon to assist the other business partners.[2]


During his days as a pirate, Molipher got involved with slavers. In the Year of the Serpent, 1359 DR, his commission to abduct Onsible Draung, a reclusive wizard from Saerloon, and deliver him without eyes, tongue, or hands to serve the slave-rowers of a galley out of Westgate was the turning point in his career. Onsible had many monstrous guardians and Molipher nearly died defending himself, but he managed to capture the wizard and proceeded to torture him for information before delivering him into slavery. Molipher learned that there was a deepspawn beneath the wizard's tower in Saerloon and it produced the lesser creatures that fed the monster-guards. Molipher then got the idea of breeding monsters for profit, so he delivered Draung to fulfill his commission, faked his own death in a shipwreck, and went to explore the wizard's compound.[1]

When he got there, the place was being looted by several other wizards that wanted Onsible's magic and the situation was devolving into an epic spell battle. Before the combatants turned the compound into a smoking crater, Molipher made a deal with a few of the lesser wizards who were willing to accept coin for a relatively easy and safer task than spell-dueling: subduing and caging the deepspawn. Molipher sailed it to Storna, built a house, and entered into the agreement with Groune, Mhaerouzan, and Hammers to stock the island with monsters to be fed by the deepspawn.[1][2]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Ed Greenwood (April 2001). “The New Adventures of Volo: The Urge to Hunt”. In Dave Gross ed. Dragon #282 (Wizards of the Coast), p. 71.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Ed Greenwood (April 2001). “The New Adventures of Volo: The Urge to Hunt”. In Dave Gross ed. Dragon #282 (Wizards of the Coast), p. 72.