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King Erdhinn Wavegold I was the first Amnian monarch of the Wavegold dynasty.[1]


Erdhinn was the distant descendant of Jamyll Torlath, the daughter of Imnel Torlath I. His son was Belhinn, though it was his grandson that took up the regnal name Belhinn I.[1]


Erdhinn came to the throne of Amn in the Year of the Dawndance, 1095 DR, after the assassinations of King Imnel IV, King Niskam, King Rhor, and King Dornak that took place over the previous year. With the Torlath family annihilated, he used his ancestral link to the family to quell the mounting unrest and bring stability back to the realm. His efforts succeeded, and Amn entered a period of peace free from the conspiracies of ambitious merchants.[1]

The unexpected death of Erdhinn and his son in 1115 DR led to his young grandson ruling with a regent for some time, the Herald Thultar Mornhelm.[1]



