Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The festering mummy wrappings were an unpleasant piece of necromancy-imbued cloth found in the Stonelands during the late 15th century DR.[1][note 1]

A length of cloth bandages previously used by an ancient mummy.[1]


When worn as a belt of sorts, the wrappings were a powerful aid to an undead, pale master necromancers, or some other creature that benefited from negative energy. The wrappings improved their ability to heal with negative energy, to resist purifying light, and violently reacted to those that struck against them with an effect similar to inflict wounds.[1]


The wrappings were found in the treasure pile of the red dragon Daeronnax, the master of Clan Daeronnax. Given the proximity, he may have stolen them from his neighbor, the mummy Laeron.[1]



  1. Menace of the Underdark (including Web of Chaos) is dated to the period of 14841485 DR, as it references the ongoing Darkening. Shadowfell Conspiracy (including Disciples of Shadow, Shadow Under Thunderholme, The Druid's Deep, and The High Road of Shadows) are dated to the same period, as they are stated to take place at roughly the same time as Menace of the Underdark.


