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The Festhall of the Falling Coins was a festhall found in the gate-town of Torch.[1]


The festhall was found in near the center of the Maygel district of Torch.[1]


The festhall was a large two-story building.[1]


The festhall had a large central hall that was illuminated by multiple fireplaces. The first floor was the main floor and where most of the entertainment was located. The second floor was off-limits to the public. The second floor had several private chambers, some storage rooms and was where the festhall's workers lived.[1]

The festhall derived its name from the large indoor fountain. This fountain was unique in that instead of water, coins flowed through the fountain. Any individual who tried to take a coin discovered quickly that the fountain, and the coins, were protected by various magical traps.[1]


The Festhall of the Falling Coins was described to be crude and wild yet peaceful. This was the result of the festhall's strict policy against violence and neutrality among the six most powerful thieves guilds of Torch.[1]


The festhall offered a variety of entertainment to its guests. Music and dancing, gambling and the occasional bard regaling an audience with tales were common.[1]


The festhall was owned by a drow from Toril named Badurth. He ran the festhall from his private chambers, rarely venturing down to the first floor and rarely entertains visitors. His reputation as a powerful wizard and connections among the powerful in Torch allowed the festhall to be an oasis of calm and peace in the otherwise chaotic and violent gate-town. An individual who tried to break the rules in the festhall often wound up dead.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Colin McComb, Monte Cook (July 1996). “War Games”. In Ray Vallese ed. Hellbound: The Blood War (TSR, Inc.), pp. 43–44. ISBN 0-7869-0407-0.