Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Filani of Tantras was a female human wizard and sage from the city of Tantras who settled in Tilverton in the mid-14th century DR.[1][2][3]


Filani was a tall, beautiful woman, heavily built like a mighty warrior, who always remained graceful and dignified. She habitually wore voluminous and magnificent embroidered gowns, and wore her long dark hair with white ribbons.[4][3]


She was dignified and uninterested in adventure or battle like other mages, preferring instead to live her life in a calm fashion and spend her time in comfort. Filani was an excellent judge of character and could keep track of a lot of small details, so with her regular information-gathering she could almost always accurately predict events that occurred in the area.[3]


Filani's home in Tilverton was a humble three-story building in the Old Town she wryly called the Tower of Wits and Work, which stood on Gateguard Road across the street from the Temple of Gond Wondermaker.[4]


Filani was a sage specializing in the history and political affairs of the lands around the Dragonreach (including her home city of Tantras) and the Moonsea North. She was not actually a scholar but a businesswoman who dealt in information.[1][2][3] Such information was reliable and came at a reasonable cost, though Filani's insight depended on the amount offered.[2][3] She did not trade in scrolls, magical items, or spellcasting services.[1][2]

Filani could often be found in Tilverton's marketplace and inns, speaking with caravan folk to learn news and goings-on. She bought them drinks and meals in exchange, and she had many regular sources who knew they could get a free meal from her while passing through. This kept her very well-informed in local and foreign affairs.[3]


Hailing from the city of Tantras in the Vast, Filani made her home in Tilverton before 1358 DR, fleeing undisclosed legal troubles back home.[4] Before settling down, Filani spent time adventuring along with her friend Thungor Triblane, who came to operate the Windlord's Rest inn just down the street from her home.[5] She still lived there through the 1360s DR.[2][3] She became known as Filani of Tantras, and was one of the town's most famous mages alongside Gahlaerd Mossmere.[1][2][3]



