Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Flensing was an alteration spell that stripped the flesh from a target person or creature.[2]


The duration of the spell was broken down into four stages, each lasting only a matter of seconds. During each of the first three stages the victim experienced tremendous pain and agony as their flesh was torn within their body. Unless they could resist the spell's power, the victim's skin and muscle were torn asunder from their bones.[2]

Those who were fortunate enough to merely endure the first few stages of flensing were still left horribly disfigured.[2]


The flensing required somatic, verbal, and material components. The material component was an onion.[1]


The spell was developed by the Red Wizards of Thay, and used when they had to torture someone, or extract information from an interrogation subject. Most victims of flensing gave in to the demands of the caster within the first stage of the spell, but were left to experience its full duration by the Red Wizards.[2]



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