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Foo lions were a variety of foo creature.[3][4][1] They were seen as symbols of strength and courage in Kara-Tur[3][1] and by good beings across the planes.[4]


Like all foo creatures, foo lions were four-legged beasts with large, flat heads and big eyes,[3][4][6] with leonine bodies about seven feet long.[3][4] Foo lions had a shaggy mane about their necks.[3][4][1] Their tails were longer and their mouths larger than those of foo dogs.[3][4][1][6] Their thick fur was usually gold, black,[3][4][1][6] or orange.[3][4][1]

Foo lions sometimes decorated their manes with peonies.[3]


Foo lions had all the supernatural abilities of other foo creatures. When they roared consistently for over a minute, the sound would occasionally summon one or two additional foo lions to their aid.[3][4][5][6]

Foo lions were exceptionally intelligent.[3][4][5][6]


Foo lions had similar personalities to other foos,[3][4] but they were especially known for their patience.[4]

Foo lions and foo dogs did not usually associate with each other, though they had no animosity towards each other.[3][4]


Foo lions attacked with tooth and claw, which caused more harm to evil creatures than non-evil ones.[3][4][6] Foo lions who were outmatched were likely to retreat to regroup. They favored sneak attacks and siege tactics more than foo dogs tended to.[4]


In their extraplanar homes, foo lions lived either alone or in groups known as prides.[3][4] They spoke their own language and the language of foo dogs. They could also speak the languages of those humanoids with whom they frequently interacted.[3][4]


Foo lions ate all manner of inorganic material, including gems and precious metals, especially enjoying silver and platinum.[3][4]


Traditionally, statues of foo lions guarded the homes of many official buildings in Kara-Tur. Some of these statues were enchanted by wu jen as a means of communicating with lions in their home planes and requesting aid.[3] The lions did not always answer, however.[4]

Kara-Turran nobles and military officials often embroidered emblems of foo lions into their robes.[3] The same was done by military officials in the Beastlands and Mount Celestia.[4]

Foo lions were once servants of the goddess Tyche.[7]


See Also[]


  1. 3rd-edition Oriental Adventures suggests using the stats for a celestial dire lion for a foo lion, which has a CR of 7, but this does not account for the invisibility, Astral plane, Ethereal plane, and summoning powers of the foo lionshared in earlier editions.



True Felines
Mundane felines: CheetahHouse catJaguarLeopardLionMountain lionOcelotPantherRed tigerSaber-toothed tigerSand catSnow leopardSnow tigerSpotted lionTiger
Giant felines: Dire lionDire tigerGiant lynx
Magical felines: Cath sheeCrag catElven catJaguar lordJana-nimrJana-qitatLuck eaterSabu lordSwamplight lynxTressymWater cat
Planar felines: Fey pantherSpectral panther

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