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Legacy of the Green Regent

Prologue – Waylaid Before Twilight

Opening theme song

So you seek to hear stories of wondrous adventure? Then sit for a while and I will spin you a tale. Like my mother, I am a bard. You may have heard of my mother—she composed the Ballad of the Dream Weaver in Secomber many years ago. Perhaps you have heard of it? Regardless, the tale I have for you this evening is very different. For it is the tale of Loudwater and the Delimbiyr Vale. And this tale begins just a year ago...
— Teseryne Truesilver, Year of Rogue Dragons

"There are few places in Faerûn like the Delimbiyr Crescent. The Harpers whisper that the entire region is a favored haunt of the goddess Mielikki, while the guildmasters of Waterdeep covet the abundant resources that flow down the River Shining. The vale is the verdant crown of the north. At its centerpiece glimmers Loudwater, the City of Grottos, a luxuriant paradise where the triumphs of Western Heartlands civilization intermesh seamlessly with the beauty of the wild North.

"But as the cynic warns, every paradise has its serpents.

"Mielikki's blessed share the fertile valley with the forces of the Black Network, and though there is a declared promise of peace between Loudwater and Llorkh, no one believes the Oath of Orlbar will confine the Zhentarim forever. A wererat bandit lord named the Hark plagues the road to Secomber, and after almost a decade of light raids, the Hark's brood attacks with renewed ferocity. In late spring, the orcs of the High Forest started migrating en masse out of the forest, heading east toward the Greypeak Mountains, creating a situation that has shocked the residents of Loudwater. Some guess the orcs were spooked by the floating City of Shade appearing over the Dire Wood, while others speculate both may be symptoms of the same disease infecting that cursed wood.

"It is just before Shieldmeet, the Year of Wild Magic. The Delimbiyr Vale is a land full of magic, intrigue, and danger, and soon a band of heroes will put their own mark on its history."

In the case of some stories, it's good to start at the end and let it wind its way to the beginning. This is especially true when retelling the lives of heroes and tyrants. That way we can learn valuable lessons on how the road sometimes shapes the traveler.
— Teseryne Truesilver, Year of Rogue Dragons

Dramatis Personae:

Savage Frontier orcs

Act I – Waylaid Before Twilight

On the Road

Place: Along the Delimbiyr Route between Zelbross and Loudwater, in the Delimbiyr Vale.
Time: Shortly before twilight; late Flamerule, the Summertide, 1372 DR.
Weather: Windy and cool.

Blaz Merrymar was not a merry halfling. His own name, a good old Hin name, made him feel like a fraud every time he introduced himself. His own smiling face, a face you could trust, stared mockingly back at him from the sign painted on the side of his wagon. How could he be merry, when he'd lost so much of what had made him so? Corkaury, Wilimac, Ombert, and Gandolar, his own sons. Dalabrac, Osco, and Bryn, nephews just as close. All lost, all dead. No one to carry on the good old Merrymar name now. No one to be merry again.

A clan decimated, a brother's promise failed, a heart broken seven times over. The news had been too much to bear the first time, but the second time, so soon after, had been unthinkable. First half his sons murdered by savage elves on nameless forest trails. Then the other half, slaughtered by marauding orcs on the road. The road he travelled now. Blaz knew it was a risk; if there was another raid he couldn't leave Rinyon a widow and his daughters fatherless. But he'd insisted to Rinyon he had to replace the stolen stock before Shieldmeet. She'd seen right through it, of course, but had let him go. In truth, he couldn't bear to stay home, stewing in his misery where everything reminded him of his lost sons and nephews. His hobbies and enterprises held no interest to him now. He worked like one of Deogol's mechanical men, empty-headed and just following its program. So, he'd needed to go. And now, he was going back.

The road ran along the north bank of the great Delimbiyr, with the wide vale now a narrow neck squeezed between the great expanse of the High Forest and the small Southwood, with a scattering of blueleafs from both trying to reclaim the land between them and be joined once again. The caravan had left Zelbross behind, and now headed to Loudwater, and beyond it, for Blaz at least, Shining Falls. But more immediately, a common campsite they would reach by twilight. Behind his wagon were a motley band of travelers: small-time merchants like him, folk wishing to settle in the Shining Valley, caravan guards meant to keep them safe, and of course adventurers. Blaz wasn't sure the adventurers were meant to keep anyone safe, but he hoped they'd keep the bandits and the elves and the orcs at bay...

No. Blaz hoped they wouldn't, that the raiders would come and show their damn ugly faces, so he could demand why they'd taken his sons and ruined his business and destroyed his family. So he could fight them for Corkaury and Wilimac and Ombert and Gandolar… No. He didn't know what he would do. But he knew he would do something.

BadCatMan (talk) 14:55, 10 September 2021 (UTC)

last seventhday of Summertide
(Or was it sixthday or eighthday today? I do not even know anymore....)

I like the halfling merchant leader most amongst all the strangers in this band of misfits.

I cannot say that I have spoken a solitary word to him, but I can tell from his face that he has suffered loss of the same kind as I. The man smiles at us constantly, and I can see that every one of them is a lie. I can also see the determination in his countenance, though I do not know what it is for.

It matters little to me. I am just along for this ride.

Nothing particularly interesting happened today. The plant growth here along the river valley is lush and green, and something about the emerald rays shining through the leaves offers some comfort to me, though I do not accept it as a true gift. I can admire the beauty of it without thinking that the gods ordained it for my pleasure. It is happenstance, a natural occurance of the way the sun shines through Toril's skies. It is as mundane as every potion I have ever brewed.

Yesterday, I first noticed one of the other travelers with us. It terrified me at first, because I saw curly red hair atop a short stature and thought that it was Sili come to haunt me. I am beginning to see them everywhere. I pinched myself to find that I was not having a vision, but then the figure turned. It was another halfling, probably another merchant, but I have no real idea.

I cannot read Korr. How is it that I can read this halfling caravan leader better than my own brother? How is it that we grew up together, yet I cannot interpret his facial expressions? I want to talk to him about home, but I do not know how to begin. I hope that the fact that I accompanied him on this journey conveys to him that I do not blame him for what happened. If anyone, I blame his god.

I wonder sometimes if Kethra blamed him as she took her last breath.

Blaz told us that we are to reach a campsite by nightfall, and the light is already dimming and making it hard to write. I also have but two sheets of paper left to spare, so I shall put down my pen....

Ilrien pauses for a moment beneath the leaves, surveying the woods alongside the road. The noise of the caravans and people had long since scared away any game. A pity, that. A rabbit or squirrel would have made a nice change from travel rations.

Dusk, now, when the sun sets and darkness cradles the world. The caravan would be stopping soon, its motley collection of people circling the wagons against what walked in the night. Normally she would have travelled by night as well, not day, but she is alone and not so powerful as to scorn the protection offered by numbers. Not with the orcs leaving the High Forest to rove the open Delimbyr lands.

She turns and continues walking along the edges of the train of wagons. Maybe once they reach the campsite, she will go on a short hunt for herself.

A redheaded halfling was perched atop one of the wagons with her tight curls bouncing in rhythm with the bumpy road through the Vale. Her cherubic face took in the last rays of evening light. Juniper scanned the blueleaf trees that slowly moved past the wagon, thinking to herself if the trees had any undiscovered magical properties or eccentric culinary uses. Yes, Juniper was her name, thanks to her mother who was likely thinking of ingredients for her famous cheese rather than of traditional hin names. She sighed and admitted to herself that Juniper is not the worst name she could've ended up with. However, Juniper was happy to be many miles away from home and from the unending copious cousins, siblings, and other assorted family members.

She found her eyes unconsciously focusing on another halfling in the ragtag band of caravaners. Blaz, he did not have a typical cheery disposition Juniper was used to among her kin. He really should smile more... but then he'd become as unbearable as her clan, and Juniper was happy not to be reminded of them too often.

The halfling shrugged, took out her spellbook, and quickly scribbled a few words on the last page. She hoped the dinner would be hearty as she was starving half to death with only having four meals today.

Samophlange awoke with a start as the wagon he was sleeping in hit a pothole, causing his fellow passengers—hundreds of turnips—to pummel his being in a veritable avalanche of root vegetables. A muffled cry sounded from beneath the verdant landslide, and before long, Samophlange emerged, pointed nose first, as he dug his way to freedom. "Of course they placed the gnome in the turnip wagon. Thrice-damned cheapskates!" he muttered to himself as he threw one of the interminable roots to the other side of the admittedly rather small and cramped wagon.

He slicked back his black hair and peered through the opening at the back of the wagon tent. It looked like he had slept through most of the day yet again. He could hardly blame himself, though. The journey from Athkatla had been slow and tedious, with little in the way of exotic sights—mostly the open road, fields, more fields—and yeah, turnips. That might change soon, though, if the caravan buzz was to be believed. Apparently they were entering frontier territory, barely-tamed wilderness where mortal danger was a daily concern. Samo shuddered with excitement. His belly rumbled plaintively in solidarity.

Samo dug out his rather too-large backpack and fished out another pack of honeycakes that his family had insisted he bring, or else. He opened the waxed cloth and groaned as he saw yet another message from his mother scribbled inside: "Remember to bathe often." Samophlange scoffed. He'd bathe whenever he damn well felt like it!

A lone purple-white, fleshy vegetable rolled towards the wagon wheel, causing it to jolt upwards. Korrlan Splitbark sprung out of his seat, and the worn book he once understood slammed closed. "It doesn't make sense, anyway", he sighed, "not like it used to". Korr's faith in Ilmater, the Crying God, waned quicker than Selûne at the end of its lunar cycle. His nephew and niece, his friends and colleagues, and even the Revered Mother of the Neverwintan Church of Ilmater had fallen to the Wailing Death. The hospital he had worked in became overcrowded, causing the supplies to run out completely. This is what had set Korrlan and his brother, Brace, on the road. It was clear to the young Ilmatari cleric what had happened, but not why they had...

Korrlan slouched, head in hands. He took a second to reflect on a situation other than his own. The halfling, Blaz, had lost his kin too; several sons and nephews, he claimed. Korr understood Blaz's situation, but somehow, it just didn't seem to mirror his own. Though downtrodden, at least the halfling had some spark of revenge-fueled passion pumping through his veins. Korrlan had nothing.

"Half a bell, now," Blaz called over his shoulder, expecting the others to repeat his message down the line to those who took up the rear. "'Til we reach the campsite. And a bell until twilight. Keep your eyes peeled for orcs. They've been seen about." he ended with a warning. He'd been unable to keep the note of weariness from his voice; the day had been long and the monotony of the road had done little to keep him from his thoughts. But his last words had been bitter, almost a growl.

Ahead, the road began to wind around low, tree-topped rises, forming a shallow S-shaped curve. It was hard to see clearly what lay beyond the next bend—a perfect place for an ambush, as every frontier traveler knew.

OOC: The usual Spot and Listen checks, please.
BadCatMan (talk) 09:33, 16 September 2021 (UTC)

"I love bells!" the red-headed halfling girl exclaimed after the grumpy caravan leader decided to talk about music out of the blue. "How does one play half-a-bell I wonder" she mumbled. Juniper's eyes darted from tree to tree but she found herself thinking of components and wildlife and singing bells instead of actually watching out for trouble. Her ears, however, did a much better job.

OOC: spot - 5; listen - nat 20 (23)

Still eating his honeycake and peering listlessly at the horizon as he thought of home, Samophlange was annoyed to hear multiple people shouting something about bells. Annoyance quickly gave way to excitement as he heard the word "orcs". Could the danger and adventure he so yearned for finally have arrived? Samo leaned further out of the wagon tent and focused more intently on the treeline. He'd never met a real, honest-to-Gruumsh full orc before, but he tried to imagine where he would hide if he were an orc.

Spot: 7 + 4 = 11
Listen: 20 + 2 = 22

Spot: 10 + 5 = 15
Listen: 5 + 1 = 6
~ Lhynard (talk) 13:01, 16 September 2021 (UTC)

Ilrien looks up and towards the shouting. When someone says "orcs", she strings her longbow.

14 Spot, 8 Listen


It wasn't even half a bell before the wagon train came to a sudden stop. A small, swift figure had scampered out of the brush and stopped in the middle of the road, waving a lit torch above his big-eared head, forcing Blaz to rein his pony in. "Halt, travelers!" the figure cried eagerly. Beneath the torch's glare, they saw an orange goblin in patchwork leather armor, with shield on his back, mace at his waist, and a crossbow pointed at Blaz. In the day's dying light, it was hard to pick out details, but two more crossbow-wielding goblins could be seen crouching behind bushes on either side of the road, and from the trees and brush, there was rustling and an ominous crack as a stick broke underfoot. "My name is Skar, and it's time to pay the Hark's Tax! You're outnumbered and surrounded, and if no one tries anything, no one gets hurt! We'll be taking your gold, your jewels, and, oh yeah, we'll be taking those turnips!" Skar added with a wicked snigger.

OOC: Goblins are ~40 feet away to the front and sides and in concealment.
BadCatMan (talk) 13:34, 19 September 2021 (UTC)

Samophlange recognized the ruse immediately. He had, after all, seen it done a dozen times. As far as stratagems go, "the Taxman" was hardly the most elegant or original, but Samo couldn't deny its efficiency when sprung on an unsuspecting mark. Which he certainly was not. Samophlange knew very well that the goblins would be trying to exaggerate their numbers to scare the caravan into submission. From his vantage point at the back of the turnip wagon, there didn't seem to be very many goblins surrounding the caravan at all. Samo supposed they could be expertly camouflaged, but somehow he doubted that.

What's more, the star of this production—Skar—seemed oddly nervous for someone claiming to be in control of the situation, like he'd drawn a particularly bad hand at Three-Dragon Ante. Samo packed away his honeycake, strapped his hand crossbow to its holster, and slipped out of the wagon, making no particular attempt at staying unnoticed. He walked up to the next wagon over—Blaz's—and whispered, loud enough for the halfling to hear: "It's a bluff! Swear to Gond!"

"We'll be taking those turnips!" Eviler words have never been spoken, Juniper thought to herself in indignation. Then she noticed the crossbow aimed at the grumpy caravan leader - Blaz. She quickly fell on her belly attempting to hide from the view of the brigand. Something in the sounds that the robber's allies were making in the shrubbery sounded off. It reminded Juniper how she and her siblings in their adolescence scared a group of robbers away from the homestead by making loud noises as if the home was filled with partying folk. "There are not as many gobbos around as they want us to think!" She hissed while looking around for any of the traveling companions in the earshot.

OOC: In case needs a stealth troll - 18+3=21

Korrlan sat up to take notice of Skar, the menacing little goblin, whom demanded the traveller's food, gems, and gold. The young cleric drifted into his own thoughts, "Perhaps this goblinoid creature and his kin are starving. Perhaps they are only doing this as a means to survive, as we all need to..."

Distracted, Korr missed out on the context of Skar's threats and boasts. Somewhat lost, he turned to Brace. The oldest Splitbark brother had that look on his face, as if he'd called a friend's bluff during a game of poker. Korrlan offered Brace a grim nod and placed his hand on the handle of the heavy mace that lay to his side; he knew what would come next.

Sense Motive 24. He can certainly tell that Brace suspects the goblin is bluffing.

Brace nodded back to Korrlan, his expression now blank again. He had no mace at his side, nor any other weapon with which he was trained to fight. He felt for his father's dagger, however. He had never used it in combat before…. He readied himself at the back of the wagon, ready to act if he needed to, hoping to instinct.
~ Lhynard (talk) 13:27, 20 September 2021 (UTC)

Ilrien managed not to go for an arrow when a goblin started delivering threats, but she did turn to scan the woods. Just how many were there? And if it came to a fight, how many of the other travellers would fight, and how many would need to be protected? Spot check 13

But Ilrien did not see anyone else in the woods, at least nearby and on her side of the road. The goblin bandits were clearly better at hiding than they were at sneaking, being small and practiced at the art, not to mention well-prepared for this ambush.

Surprised by the sudden threat on the road, Blaz had frozen, being shocked out of his thoughts but not into any kind of action. He was dully wondering if this was what Corkaury and Ombert had been confronted with, not orcs, but goblins. Was this Skar the one who had slain his sons? Then he heard words hissed his way, first the gnome insisting it was a bluff, then the lightfoot explaining why. Bolstered by the news, outraged that brave Corkaury, survivor of the Night of the Blood Moon, might've been felled by such trickery, a sudden burst of courage gripped his heart. Blaz would challenge them! Snatching up his crossbow and a small but hefty club, Blaz jumped out of his wagon, his boots raising dust in the dirt road. Wearing only tunic and breeches, he was middle aged and stout, and lack of appetite had robbed him of his plumpness and loosened his skin, but his heart was strong! Blaz marched up to Skar, shouting furiously "You damned goblin bastard! Did you murder my sons!"

But Skar, not cowed at all, cackled at the sight of him. "Oho, another half-man who wants to be a hero? They must've been your sons then! But then, they won't be your sons much longer. They won't even be halflings!" he crowed.

Confused and horrified, Blaz tensed, his hand clenched, the crossbow fired. And the bolt flew high over Skar's head. He ducked anyway, grinning madly. "Get him, Gvrag!"

Lgr extermination1

Skar torturing the hapless Blaz Merrymar.

With a great smash, a bush was ripped aside, and a massive bugbear barged out of the woods and rushed Blaz. One meaty hand seized him by the front of his tunic and yanked him high in the air. The other punched him in the gut.

"This half-man has looser skin than the others. We must be getting to the bottom of the barrel. Don't need to bring this one to the boss, do we, boys? Maybe we can have some fun!" The goblins sniggered and then Skar thrust the lit torch right into Blaz's feet, causing boots and breeches to smoulder. Blaz cried out in pain and frustration, and in grief that he'd failed his sons.

Skar turned back to the caravan and those watching in horror. "Hand over your riches now, and he won't suffer. Much. Or does anyone else want to be a hero?"
BadCatMan (talk) 12:36, 21 September 2021 (UTC)

Slinking closer to the wagon, Ilrien nocks an arrow and aims for the chatty goblin. Fires. The arrow gets him in the shoulder. Not a bad shot, but not a lethal one.

"Maybe not heroes, but not cowards either."

18 to hit Skar, 2 damage. Current location should be C15

"Not for long!" Skar hissed, clutching his shoulder. "Shoot them!" Among the bushes on the sides of the road, crossbows flickered and snapped, bolts peppered the travelers, and the hiding goblin archers were revealed. One returned the hit to Ilrien, grazing her arm. Another shot went wide past Samophlange on the other side of the wagon. The other two saved their shots, for now.

Meanwhile, the bugbear thumped Blaz across the jaw, knocking him cold, and tossed him aside like a piece of trash. Gvrag had more worthy foes to fight now.

OOC: Goblin #3 attack 12 hits, damage 2 @ Ilrien. Goblin #4 attack 11, misses @ Samophlange.
BadCatMan (talk) 04:03, 22 September 2021 (UTC)

A crossbow bolt whizzed by Samo's head, burying itself in Blaz's wagon. "Hey! Watch it!" he yelled out instinctively as he made a mental note of where the exceptionally ugly goblin who had fired the bolt hid itself in the underbrush. Samophlange dove for the relative cover of a large rock five feet to his right and crouched down, putting stone between himself and his assailant. He drew his hand crossbow from its holster and fired on the biggest guy he could see—the bugbear. Samo knew from experience that disposing of the biggest guy quickly tended to make the other, smaller guys question their commitment to a particular fight. He called this "Samophlange's Biggest Guy Theory".

Samophlange moves to I10 (5 ft).

To hit Gvrag: 1 + 3 = 4

"Did they teach you how to fight in that church hospital? Because I am looking to you for tips, Little Brother.

"Fighting was... certainly not a regular occurrence on the curriculum. However... the Revered Mother, before she passed, would bless us with words of wisdom, should our hands be forced."

Without saying any more solely to Brace, Korrlan rushed to the wagon ahead of him and climbed upon it. The young cleric raised his voice, and his holy symbol into the air, and called out to Ilmater, the One Who Endures. "The red cord that binds our hands shall snap, freeing them from their confinement. So seize that bow, unsheathe that sword, or reveal that dagger, and strike those that would cause needless suffering!"

OOC: Korrlan moves to E15 (using full movement), and casts bless.

Brace had no idea how his presence on the battlefield would be at all helpful, but he could not sit idly by while others suffered, and he felt a strange—almost supernatural—burst of courage on seeing his brother's and hearing his prayer to the Broken God. He flung himself out of the front side of the wagon and rushed past Korr to take cover behind the lead wagon, (close to the funny-looking little man from the turnip wagon whom he had heard called Master Skuttelgadget or something.) He fingered the array of flasks and vials on his belt, wondering if any of them might have an unexpected use in the near future.

Brace uses a hustle/double movement to get to G12 or nearabouts.

~ Lhynard (talk) 13:54, 22 September 2021 (UTC)

Biggest Guy he may be, but Gvrag wasn't any easier to hit, not when Samophlange planted his crossbow bolt in the dirt between his boots instead. "Ha!" one the goblins jeered. "You couldn't hit the broad side of a bugbear!"

"Like you can talk. You missed the gnome." his fellow pointed out, switching to the Goblin language.

"Yeah, but gnomes are smaller." the other insisted.

"They're as big as us!" He fired his own crossbow, but the bolt clattered off the milestone the gnome was cowering behind. "He's behind a rock." he pointed about before his mate could. [Goblin #2 attack 21, miss]

In any case, Samophlange had gotten the Biggest Guy's attention—Gvrag was now looking his way and loosening his spiked flail.

"Focus, you lot!" Skar hissed to his companions, then took off, dashing swiftly past the wagons in an attempt to answer his attacker. An elf archer would ruin anyone's day, leastwise his. He was still clutching the burning torch, trailing smoke and cinders behind him, so he thrust it at the elf to burn and dazzle her. [Skar: charges to C13, attack 6, misses Ilrien]

Meanwhile, Korrlan got everyone's attention by climbing atop a wagon and exhorting the travelers to action and courage with his prayer, the inspiring display was only slightly undercut by the sight of him standing on a heap of turnips. Somewhere, the Crying God would be chuckling.

Then one of the goblins answered with a crossbow bolt, the point ratting painfully on the priest's scale mail. [Goblin #1 attack 16, hit, damage 4 @ Korrlan]

Map Updates: Samophlange in I10. Korrlan in E15. Brace in G12. Ilrien revised to C14. Skar charged to C13. BTW, wagons provide cover, at least when not standing on top of them.
BadCatMan (talk) 09:22, 23 September 2021 (UTC)


"It looks like the tall hairy one is the boss." Juniper murmured to herself as she crawled forward to the front of the wagon to see the foul-smelling bugbear better. The halfling focused on Skar, mumbling incantations and making several quick hand gestures towards the raid leader. "Let's make you feel hot and bothered!" She snickered as the Weave shimmered in her hands.

OOC: Skar -> Fortitude save. On fail - 11 non-lethal damage + fatigue. On save successes - 1/2 damage.

To Skar's senses, the burning torch in his hand seemed to burn hotter and brighter, making his orange skin redden and his head swim. Then, with an accusing snarl of "Magic!", he dropped the torch and shook off the effects. [Skar Fort save 15, success. Takes 5 nonlethal damage.]
BadCatMan (talk) 12:01, 23 September 2021 (UTC)

Ilrien stepped back, away from the fire and the annoying goblin. A bit early to have to do this—but necessary—she called on her own magic, and the twilight shadows flowed over her body like a shroud before forming armor and a shield.
Takes a five-foot step back and uses her Steel Shadows mystery, AC is now 18.

Round 2

In the Goblin tongue, Skar spat a curse and shouted orders to his fellows, calling them out to aid him. "Down bows! Close in! Take the gnomes and halflings alive!" One descended the slope and came up behind his leader, before clearly trying to circle around Ilrien. [Goblin #3 double-moves to B14]

On the other side of the road, another goblin had the same idea, creeping out of the woods and around the milestone to get behind Samophlange. [Goblin double-moves to #J11]

Their tactic soon become terribly clear: unhooking his vicious spiked flail and whirling it around, Gvrag the bugbear charged right at the cornered gnome! He might not have been trying to kill Samophlange, but the distinction was moot as that heavy mass of metal slammed into his leather armor, winding him badly. [Gvrag charges to H9, flanking; attack 15, nonlethal damage 4 @ Samophlange]
BadCatMan (talk) 03:34, 25 September 2021 (UTC)

As the spiked flail connected with his body, momentarily knocking the breath out of his lungs, Samo realized he had attracted far more attention than he'd ever wanted from a bugbear. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw a goblin creeping up right behind him as well. Apparently today was not a good day for the "hide behind a rock" stratagem that had served him so well in the past.

Samophlange deftly stepped away from both goblinoid assailants, toward the lead wagon, and used the modicum of space this bought him to reload his hand crossbow. He fired on the hulking bugbear once more, hoping to prove his theory.

Samophlange 5-foot-steps to H11 and reloads his crossbow.
To hit Gvrag: 13 + 6 = 19
19 hits. Damage: 2.

This time, Samophlange did hit the broad side of a bugbear, skewering Gvrag's thick hide and leather wrap. [Samo hits]
BadCatMan (talk) 13:13, 26 September 2021 (UTC)

"Gah!" Korrlan cried, as the crude crossbow bolt pierced his armor, drawing a thick line of blood. Almost mirroring the action of his goblin assailant, he let loose a crossbow bolt of his own towards him. But the reflected image would not be identical, as Korr's projectile would miss its target, and by no small amount. "By the Twice-Martyred, how can our aim not be true, even after Ilmater's blessing..."

The cleric leaped over the side of the right side of the wagon and took cover. "So He has left me, first in life, and now in... death. Gods be damned-", he began to murmur, but quickly halted the blasphemous thought.

To hit: 3. Clear miss.

Brace was fuming with a mixture of emotions and confusion at what was ensuing; it was hard to think clearly. Instinctively, his hand moved from his vials to his dagger—his father's dagger—and imagined an image of it plunging into the face of the pointed-eared beast that had shot his only living family member. But then he remembered the lessons of his master, Luth, to whom he had so long been apprenticed, lessons about pausing for a moment to think about the most tactical solution to a problem before acting. He had less than a moment, but the little goblin was certainly less important than the big hairy one. His hand returned to one of the vials and freed it from its pouch. Poking out from behind the corner of the wagon, he let it fly.

Ranged touch attack w/ alchemical sleep potion: 8 + 3 + 1 (point blank) + 1 (bless) = 13

~ Lhynard (talk) 12:11, 26 September 2021 (UTC)

Breaking open against the bugbear's broad and bleeding chest, the vial released a soporific gas that immediately overwhelmed him. Gvrag snuffled and yawned, and swayed and swooned, and finally went down like a felled tree, hitting the dirt with a thud and very nearly crushing Samophlange. [Gvrag fortitude save 8, fail. Goes nigh-nighs.]
BadCatMan (talk) 13:13, 26 September 2021 (UTC)

Brace drew his father's dagger. Next, the little goblin.
~ Lhynard (talk) 12:34, 26 September 2021 (UTC)

"You're done for, elf!" Skar spat and unhooked his small spike-headed morningstar. He advanced and swung at Ilrien—it should've been a hit, but the head was deflected by shadowy yet strong armor. "Get behind her!" he said in Goblin to his mate. [Skar: attack 15, misses Ilrien]

The other two goblins remained in the cover of the woods, where it seemed safer. One suffered a misfire with his ramshackle crossbow, but the other had much more success, putting another bolt in Korrlan. [Goblin #1 attack 21, damage 2 @ Korr. Goblin #2 rolled a 1, miss.]

OOC: Gvrag asleep for 1 minute. Samo in H11.
BadCatMan (talk) 13:13, 26 September 2021 (UTC)

Trying to remain unharassed, Juniper saw the bugbear swing at the gnome fella and hit! The halfling quickly closed her eyes and started chanting another spell. Suddenly the sound of broken glass and falling bugbear body snapped her out of concentration. "...Did I do that?... I must be a better sorceress than I thought to be!" She quickly looked around and turned her attention to the goblin leader once again. She shouted the final words of the spell and pointed her finger at Skar. A single pulsing globule of concentrated magic few out of Juniper's finger and crashed into Skar's back.

OOC: Magic Missile at Skar - 3+1=4

Ilrien takes another swift step back, raising her longbow once more- only to fumble it and drop the arrow instead of firing it. "Cleric, you might wish to rethink grandstanding on top of a pile of roots."
Ilrien takes a five-foot step back, then fires: 6 to hit, clear miss.

Round 3

Suddenly slammed in the back, Skar was winded and left reeling, unable to make his legs walk and his arms move at the same time. "Ow!" he complained, more annoyed than agonized. Still, he was not so stricken that he could not dodge the elf's next arrow. [Skar: staggered, limited single actions only]

Meanwhile, the third goblin ran around and behind Ilrien, passing easily under the head of a horse. Then he took a low swing at her legs with his morningstar, managing to penetrate her umbral armor. It wouldn't take long to corner her and kill her. [Goblin #3 moves to C17. Attack 18, damage 3 @ Ilrien]

While Gvrag snored noisily, the fourth goblin called out "Boss! Gvrag's down!" and bravely jumped forward to avenge the bugbear. He swung his morningstar at Brace, but the apothecary only just evaded it. [Goblin #4 moves to H12. Attack 12, miss]
BadCatMan (talk) 07:45, 27 September 2021 (UTC)

As the bugbear fell over in a cloud of gas, Samo spotted his opening. He took a quick step closer to the toppled behemoth, coincidentally putting him back next to the rock he'd hid behind earlier. He reloaded his crossbow and fired it at the goblin that was harassing Samo's gassy savior.
Samophlange 5-foot-steps to I10 and reloads his crossbow.
To hit goblin #4: 8 + 7 = 15
15 hits. Damage: 1.

Korrlan saw a morningstar smash into the moon elf to his left, and a split second later, a jagged bolt coursed towards him. Again, the barbed quarrel hit its mark, though Korrlan did not cry out, but instead endured. With a quiet chant to Ilmater, he placed his hand on his chest, and a wave of divine healing washed over him. Korr had to draw Skar and the other mangy goblin away from Ilrien if he was to get her to safety. Spotting a concealed area, the cleric hurtled towards it, and ducked behind the large rock. Hopefully that would stop him from receiving a third crossbow bolt!

OOC: Korrlan casts cure light wounds: 1 + 1 (healing domain) + 2 (augmented healing) to gain 4 HP. Korrlan moves from E15 to G17. Path: E15 -> F16 (5 ft), F16 -> G16 (5 ft), G16 -> G17 (10 ft) due to elevation increase. Full movement used.

Brace did not expect his target to come to him, but it had lunged at him with a crude-looking spiked stick or something. With instincts that he did not know he had, he lunged back and released his weapon. At the same time, he heard a muffled low twang from around the corner of the wagon. Brace's blade made a single circle in the air and stuck point-in to the goblin's forehead, as a quarrel drove into the creature from the side. Brace drew his second dagger before he saw whether the little monster was dead or no. Instead, he glance over his right shoulder expecting to see his brother grimacing in pain, hunched in the cover of the turnip wagon. However, the young cleric was not cowering or hiding; he was risking himself to save the injured fey woman who had been traveling with them. "Korr?" he called out again, impressed with his brother's courage.

5-foot step to F12
Ranged attack w/ masterwork dagger: 16 + 4 + 1 (point blank) + 1 (bless) = 22
Damage: 2 + 2 + 1 (point blank) = 5
Draw weapon as move action
~ Lhynard (talk) 15:23, 27 September 2021 (UTC)

Struck by both a crossbow bolt and a flung dagger, the goblin was spun left and right, then dropped to the dirt. [Goblin #4 downed]

Seeing the priest jump off the turnip cart and run for the treeline, Skar sneered "So, the cleric is a coward! Let's deal with this broken elf, then with him." Though he might be battered himself, he felt in better shape than her. And he wanted to avenge her attack on him earlier. Skar lunged forward, trapping Ilrien between him, his partner, and the wagon, and made a surprise swing at her knees—and was thwarted again as his wicked morningstar was deflected by her shadowy armor. "Damn your booyahg!" he hissed. [Skar 5-foot-step to C15, flanking, attack 17, miss]

Meanwhile, no longer able to let a clear shot, the goblin crossbowmen in the woods stole down the slope and ventured down the road, exchanging their crossbows for morningstars. One ran past Blaz's wagon and appeared behind Brace, ready to hit him in the back! [Goblin #1 double-moves to E11.]]

The other hurried to the fallen bugbear's side, frantically checking on his fellow and trying to wake him! "Hey, Gvrag! You okay? Wake up. Wake up!" [Goblin #2 moves to I8. Checks on bugbear]

OOC: Map updates: Samo in I10, Korr in G17, Brace in F12. Goblin #1 in E11. Goblin #2 in I8. Goblin #4 unconscious & bleeding.
BadCatMan (talk) 08:55, 28 September 2021 (UTC)

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to wake sleeping (bug)bears?" The halfling cocky her crossbow and aimed it at the newly arrived goblin.

OOC: masterwork light crossbow attacks 9+4+1=14 (assuming it misses, 6 damage)

Ilrien stumbles back from the goblin's blow, then took a wild swing forward at the pest.
Punching Skar: 6+1 (bless)=7 to hit.

Round 4

Crouching over the bugbear, his focus on waking him, the goblin could not dodge the crossbow fired from high above. The bolt struck him in the back, and he collapsed over his partner in crime. Gvrag stirred, made a grumpy yawn, rolled over, and went back to sleep. [Juniper hits Goblin #2, knocked out]

When Ilrien's clumsy blow failed to connect, she felt a pain shoot up her battered leg; the goblin's strike had been bad. She blacked out and collapsed, her world becoming the darkness she commanded. [Disabled at 0 hp and taking a strenuous action, Ilrien loses 1 hp, and is unconscious and bleeding at −1 hp]

"Ha! Typical elf, got no staying power! Now, get after that coward priest!" Skar ordered his comrade, especially since he was close to collapse himself. Being on the other side the wagons, he was unaware he'd already lost half his gang.

The goblin looked uncertain, but Skar did not, so he nodded grimly and turned and rushed after the priest, morningstar raised over his head. The priest had already climbed the slope into the woods, but not out of reach, and the goblin warrior delivered a brutal swing at his knees. [Goblin #3 charges to F17, attack 19, damage 4 @ Korrlan]
BadCatMan (talk) 07:45, 29 September 2021 (UTC)
Waylaid battlemap

Blue: PCs. S: Samophlange; I: Ilrien; B: Brace; K: Korrlan; J: Juniper
Red: enemies: S: Skar; G: Gvrag; 1–4: Goblins
White: neutrals & unconscious. B: Blaz; H: Horse
Boxes: wagons of one kind or another
Black splotches: trees (light cover, +2 AC, +1 Reflex); Gray shading: undergrowth (concealment 20%); White spots: small rocks and turnips; Contour lines: elevation to difficult terrain (half movement).

Korrlan laid his back against a large, mossy rock, and became concealed by the dense foliage of the region. There's no way he'd be hit this time! Gaining confidence, he swiftly withdrew his heavy mace and shield. Korr had hoped that he would not be struck by another bolt, and indeed, a bolt never came. Perhaps Ilmater was smiling upon him for luring the truculent little goblinoid away from Ilrien, who now only faced off against Skar. His companions would be able to make it in time to help the elven woman, the young cleric convinced himself.

Korr couldn't catch a break. As he was about to surprise the incoming goblin, the spiked end of a morningstar slammed into his head from above, badly injuring him. "How?!" he called out. With the remaining faith (and health!) he had, he raised his masterwork mace into the air, and cried, no, he pleaded to Ilmater. "We have suffered, we have endured. By the Broken God, the Rack-Broken Lord, allow me to become your beacon! By He who dwells in Martyrdom, and to He whom the oppressed and enslaved call out to, guide my hand, to smite this creature!" For a moment, the clouds parted, shining light upon the young Neveren cleric. Korr struck down with utmost confidence and power, but his strike couldn't have gone wider. It was if a higher power was playing with him...

OOC: To hit with masterwork mace: 1 + 2 + 1 (masterwork) + 1 (bless): Critical miss! Korr has missed every attack, and has been struck almost every round. He is badly injured.

Samophlange was quite pleased with himself as he stood surrounded by unconscious foes when yet another goblin fell to the ground, impaled by that strange halfling lass's crossbow bolt. Yes, Samo thought, I am a real adventurer. Goblins and bandits beware! Turning to survey the scene behind him, Samophlange saw another goblin rushing that moody priest who'd traveled in the wagon behind him. He instinctively reloaded his hand crossbow and fired, supremely confident that his bolt would strike true.
Samophlange reloads and fires on goblin #3.
To hit: 18 + 3 + 1 (bless) + 1 (racial bonus) - 4 (firing into melee) = 19
19 hits. Damage: 3.

Brace ignored his pending assailant and rushed toward his brother….

Potential attack of opportunity against Brace from Goblin #1 vs. AC 13 + 4 (cover from wagon) −2 (charge, unless that penalty only applies after the charge) = 15 (or 17)

…swinging his dagger wildly at the goblin's back.

Charge to F16
Melee attack w/ dagger: 15 + 2 + 1 (bless) + 2 (charge) = 20
Damage: 2 + 2 = 4

Brace shouted at the goblin leader standing over the body of the fey woman on the other side of the turnip wagon. "Skar! If you want Hark's Tax, come and get it from my brother and me!"

Brace had never threatened anyone in his life, and his usually quiet voice sounded foolish in yell, but the divine blessing surging through him still gave him confidence, even if misguided.

Intimidate check: 1 − 1 = 0

~ Lhynard (talk) 15:02, 29 September 2021 (UTC)

Swaying backward, the goblin easily evaded Korrlan's wild and hopeless swing, but this left him exposed to the crossbow bolt that scored the back of his armor. Recovering, he snarled something in Goblin, raised his crude morningstar again—then suddenly flung his arms wide and arched his back as Brace plunged the point of a dagger into it. [Goblin #3 at 0 hp, Disabled]

The other goblin had taken a clumsy swing at Brace, being too surprised by his sudden rush away. It hurt him to see the human strike his comrade, and wanted to go to help, but realized a better way to salvage this failing ambush. Spying the large wagon wheel, he set one big foot on a spoke, then reached a lanky arm up for the shutter. Soon, grubby yellowish fingers curled around the roof of the wagon... [Goblin #1 climbs up side of wagon].

Peering around and above the turnip wagon, Skar saw how the battle was faring: badly. The bugbear and two of his men were down, him and another nearly so. Hekkut had been wrong, this was no easy hit. He hadn't expected there to be adventurers. But, by Maglubiyet, he wasn't going to run like a coward. "Yeah, nah, not going to happen." he called back over the wagon. Quickly, he grabbed the stricken elf and dragged her behind the wagon with him; he was disappointed not to find any potions or booyahg he could use on her. "Give up your weapons, or the elf gets it!"

OOC: No new map this round, as there's not much to change. Brace moved to F16.
BadCatMan (talk) 07:41, 30 September 2021 (UTC)

Seeing a gnarly goblin invading her hiding place, Juniper briefly considered showering him with magics. Instead she decided to help the woman in trouble. The halfling purged another arcane incantation out of her mind, sending another bolt of energy at Skar.

OOC: Magic missile at Skar 1+1=2 damage.

Without giving the rude and invasive goblin rip at her new fancy coat, Juniper plummeted off the wagon and dashed away from danger.

OOC: Moving to E15, assuming this is the farthest I can go with jumping off the wagon.

At the weird words of magic, Skar reacted, closing both hands around the shaft and bringing the wickedly spiked morningstar crashing down at the elf's unwitting face—just as another bolt of force blasted into his side, breaking a rib and knocking him aside. [Skar hit, knocked unconscious! Ilrien saved!]

Juniper jumped down from the wagon, but as she landed she rolled her ankle on the dirt road. Still, it seemed better than being brained by a goblin bandit. [Juniper Jump check 12, nonlethal damage 3]

Hearing his leader brought low, trapped between the two brothers and on his last breaths, the third goblin went for one last, desperate swing, battering Brace with his crude iron morningstar. And after that effort, he collapsed, unconscious and bleeding out. [Goblin #3 attack 18, damage 3 @ Brace. Loses 1 hp and unconscious]

That left one last goblin, clinging to the side of the wagon and rapidly reassessing his options...

OOC: Ilrien loses 1 hp from bleeding.
BadCatMan (talk) 03:50, 1 October 2021 (UTC)

Seeing his target go down, felled by a combination of his bolt and that apothecary's dagger, Samophlange glanced over his immediate surroundings and saw no goblinoids left standing. He was elated—Samo had fought thugs of all creeds and sizes on the streets of Athkatla, but never a genuine band of goblin bandits. He had never even seen a bugbear before; how exotic! It was just like the stories he'd read in chapbooks. Recalling a scene from one of them—The Hobgoblin Prince—Samo knew better than to let sleeping bugbears lie. He moved closer to the sleeping hulk, reloaded his crossbow, and pointed it at the bugbear's temple.
Samophlange 5-foot-steps to I9 and reloads.


Glad for his companions' assistance, Korrlan scooted past the unconscious goblin and rushed down the hill towards the moon elf's aid. He would usually check for danger and try to get a response from his patient before acting, but there was no time for this.

Reaching the bottom of the hill, he quickly skidded to his knees, and carefully raised Ilrien's angular chin. Checking the airway, only the lightest of breaths were to be heard. Her leg was battered; Korr would have to be at his best if he were to stop the continuous flow of blood. He applied great pressure to her slender limb, and applied a bandage. The bleeding would continue, however. Korr reached a hand over his back, and ripped off his Ilmatari cloak. Wrapping it around Ilrien, and maintaining the optimal amount of pressure, the bleeding finally stopped. Color returned to the elven lass, and her breathing became stable.

Korrlan was glad to have eased Ilrien's suffering, and was also glad to have taken suffering upon himself. However, this wasn't enough for the young, puzzled cleric; he wanted to inflict it.

OOC: Korrlan uses the Heal skill to perform First Aid on Ilrien (DC 15).
Heal check: 7 + 4 [Heal skill bonus] + 4 [Wisdom bonus] = 15. Ilrien is now stable!

Brace followed behind Korrlan to the body of the fallen elf and paused near his brother as Korr dropped to his knees and began ripping cloth from his clerical robes. "Korr, yes, help the elf maiden, but you need healing yourself." While speaking, Brace spotted another yellow goblin hanging from the side of the lead wagon, and then he felt the moisture from his own blood seeping into his shirt. That last goblin had struck him soundly, and only now did he realize that its weapon's jagged iron points had punctured his skin at the ribs. In the heat of battle, he had not even noticed the pain.

Better strike this other one before it gave a similar blow to him or someone else. He threw his second dagger, but a sharp pain in his chest when he did so caused his throw to veer right and strike the side of the wagon instead.

Move to B14 and speak as free action
Ranged attack w/ dagger: 6 + 3 + 1 (point blank) + 1 (bless) = 11: miss
~ Lhynard (talk) 01:08, 3 October 2021 (UTC)

Lek, the last goblin still in the fight, flinched as the dagger thudded into the wood beside him. That was it! Immediately abandoning his attempt to climb the wagon, as it was pointless now, he dropped off the side and landed in the dirt. A quick look around told him the others had fallen, to be captured or killed by the humans and halflings. There was nothing he could do for his mates now, but they might still get a rescue or revenge, so he turned and ran as fast as he could into the woods, crashing through undergrowth and scrambling up the slope. He had to get away from the adventurers! He had to find and warn Hekkut, and then he had to get away from Hekkut!

OOC: Samo in I9, Korr in D16, Brace in B14. Goblin #1 in -11.
BadCatMan (talk) 03:11, 3 October 2021 (UTC)

Recalling another line from The Hobgoblin Prince, Samophlange dramatically proclaimed to no one in particular:
"Ilmater forgives. I do not."
And pulled the trigger on his crossbow.
Samophlange coup-de-graces Gvrag for 2 + 3 + 2 (sneak attack) = 7 damage.

With a sick crunch, the bolt pierced the bugbear's skull, and his brain. Gvrag grunted and died in his sleep, but in his dreams he was marched off to Hruggek's realm for an everlasting life of furious ambushes and glorious battles. [Fort save 3, rolled a 1; Gvrag dies]
BadCatMan (talk) 11:54, 3 October 2021 (UTC)

Well Met

As the final goblin scurried into the woods, Brace collapsed on the ground beside the elf woman and his brother, exhausted and somewhat in shock at what had just transpired.

His brother had been too focused on his work to respond to Brace's last question, so the apothecary asked another. "Will she live?"
~ Lhynard (talk) 12:33, 3 October 2021 (UTC)

The redhead halfling pulled herself off the ground. Sharp pain pierced her ankle and she almost ended up back in the dirt. Juniper used her crossbow as a walker and wobbled to Samophlange, who singlehandedly defeated the sleeping bugbear. "Good job! This one looked quite scary. Reminded me of my aunt too, but she was more hairy." The halfling pulled her crossbow bolt from the goblin she shoot earlier, took out rope, and started tying him up.

Meanwhile, ahead on the road, Blaz awoke with a pained groan, then spat out blood and a lone tooth. All his bones and bits ached, his feet were burning—and were still burning, his boots and breeches cuffs smouldering and smoking. With a start, he sat up and yanked the boots off, batting out the flickering flames. But his urgency gave away to anger and frustration, leaving him just hammering the road and finally sobbing in grief. He'd done nothing but get himself hurt, he'd done nothing to help his sons. What had that goblin said? Told him his sons were alive, taunted him with some terrible fate in store for them. And he could do nothing.
BadCatMan (talk) 07:13, 4 October 2021 (UTC)

"Brother, she will live." Korr finally said to Brace, "but she will likely need long-term care".

Ilrien blinked as she returns to consciousness, then sits up. She looks at the unconscious goblins, then at the two nearby humans. "I suppose I have you to thank for the medical aid?" She said, directing her words at the one wearing what she thought is a holy symbol.

"Indeed. I cannot ease your suffering any more, for first aid can only do so much" he stated, "and I don't have much more divine magic spells to cast". Korrlan briefly looked around to see if anyone else needed care. "Brother, did anyone fall in the battle?" he mumbled.

"You nearly did. I nearly did. But, no, all of us were spared. We are kept alive to suffer longer, I think, or perhaps…. No, I make too much of a random event.

"Your powers inspired me, Korr, and a few of the others with us. Know that. I see the redheaded halfling and the gnome from the turnip wagon still walking about, and they too joined in the fight. I see even Braz has not fallen. Think you that there be tonandurr bark about? His feet will benefit from it."

"I'm glad my powers did something, but it was your quick thinking that really saved our hides", Korr admitted. "After you put the bugbear to sleep, the others picked off those wretched goblins one by one. Perhaps you got a bit of mother's spark, after all?"

"Tonandurr trees around here? I suppose it is possible, but certainly not any further north! The hospital back in Neverwinter would ship it from Baldur's Gate to the south, though there were one or two trees that grew in local greenhouses. Let's reconvene with the others, I reckon they know more about the area."

Korrlan slowly walked in the direction of the curious gnome and the halfling spellcaster.

With a gunt of pain, Brace got himself back to his feet to follow his brother, giving a quick nod to the injured elf to assure her that they would be returning. Then he said, "Do not forget your own need, Brother! We must pull those quarrels from your body."
~ Lhynard (talk) 15:04, 5 October 2021 (UTC)

Humming contentedly to himself, Samophlange put his finger to the wind and quickly deduced where the one bolt that hadn't hit its mark went—in the ground not far from where the bugbear had first appeared on the road, then picked it up. Along the way, he also collected a ramshackle light crossbow from one of the downed goblins. He returned to the lead wagon, his brow furrowed as he carefully weighed and inspected his new crossbow. The halfling spell-slinger who had bailed him out earlier said something about her hairy aunt, interrupting his careful calculations. He simply smiled, put forward his hand, and said "Thank you. Samophlange Skitterwidget, adventurer, at your service." Gesturing toward the goblin she was tying up, he continued, "Do you do this kind of thing often?"