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Frost breath was a divine magic spell available to priests of Auril, the Frostmaiden. It caused a blast of frigid air to emit from the caster's mouth.[1]


Frost breath gave the caster a one-use breath weapon, blasting a cone-shaped area with extreme cold that caused damage to all susceptible creatures, items, and materials in its path. The cone extended outward from the caster's mouth to a distance of 35 ft (11 m), even farther and more damaging for more experienced casters. Creatures caught in the blast could attempt to avoid the worst of it, taking only half the usual damage. Those that could not dodge the frigid breath were also stunned for a few seconds by the shock to their system.[1]


In addition to verbal and somatic components, the caster had to have three drops of water or ice chips which were held in the palm and blown toward the intended victims.[1]


This spell was believed to be recorded in a holy book of Auril called Revelations of the Icedawn[2] and was only granted to her clerical and druidic followers.[1]


See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Thomas M. Costa (October 2003). “Faiths of Faerûn: Prayers of the Frostmaiden”. In Chris Thomasson ed. Dragon #312 (Paizo Publishing, LLC), p. 64.
  2. Thomas M. Costa (October 2003). “Faiths of Faerûn: Prayers of the Frostmaiden”. In Chris Thomasson ed. Dragon #312 (Paizo Publishing, LLC), p. 62.