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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Sister Garaele was an elf cleric who lived in Phandalin in the late 15th century DR. She was a worshiper of Tymora, and spent much time caring for the Shrine of Luck in town.[1][3]


Although scholarly, the young acolyte of Tymora had a strong desire to travel and do good for the people of Phandalin. She was also said to be quite zealous,[1] and was known to exuberantly preach anywhere and everywhere, including in peoples' homes. She was said to scold the townsfolk whenever bad fortune befell the town, suggesting that it was because they had not showed sufficient devotion to Tymora. Despite this, she was well liked by the folk of Phandalin because she was a fundamentally good person.[2] She despised the local terrorists, the Redbrands.[1]


In her capacity as overseer of the Shrine of Luck, she was happy to aid any who offered gifts or favors to her goddess. When she wasn't tending to the Shrine or preaching, Garaele was known to leave town on adventures. She was also an agent for the Harpers for many years.[1][3]


The cleric of Tymora kept many healing potions on herself. She owned a house immediately adjacent to the Shrine of Luck.[1]


In 1491 DR,[note 1] high-ranking members of the Harpers made contact with Sister Garaele. She was tasked with confronting the banshee, Agatha, and had to ask her about the location of Bowgentle's Book, a renowned spellbook. However, Agatha did not appear to the young Harper, and thus she failed in her quest. She returned to Phandalin exhausted and wounded from her adventure.[1]

Instead of going to confront the banshee again, she planned to find an intermediary to exchange a jeweled comb with Agatha for the information. Garaele believed only a true flatterer would be able to convince the banshee to give up the information.[1]

During the rampage of the white dragon Cryovain around Phandalin, Garaele was summoned to Neverwinter by her Harper superiors. As she was a secret operative for them, this meant that she disappeared from town, leaving no one watching over the Shrine of Luck.[3] While she was gone, the Shrine was ransacked by the Cult of Talos.[4]

Over the next few years, Phandalin fell on hard times as its promised mineral wealth never materialized, and this led the priestess to harangue the people for stronger faith in Tymora.[2]

By 1496 DR,[note 2] Garaele had cut ties with the Harpers. That year, she began acting as an agent for the shady Dran Enterprises in exchange for lavish donations to the Shrine of Luck. Her new employers had her keep an eye on the comings and goings of the Acquisitions Incorporated franchise operating out of Tresendar Manor, and she ultimately reported to them when the manor came under attack.[2]

That same year, the Temple of the Coinmaiden was established in Phandalin, which Garaele perceived as direct competition to herself and the Shrine of Luck. This led her to became even more energized and frantic in her proselytizing.[2]



  1. Pages 30‒31 of Lost Mine of Phandelver describe the eruption of Mount Hotenow (1451 DR) as occurring "30 years ago", which would place the adventure in 1481 DR. When the adventure was later remade into Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk, this 30 year time frame was kept (pages 50 & 53). However, pages 103 and 179 of Acquisitions Incorporated, a source published after the former, state that the events described in the adventure happen five years after both Lost Mine of Phandelver and Princes of the Apocalypse. Since the latter is explicitly set in 1491 DR, and considering this answer by Ed Greenwood about dating the adventure, this wiki will use 1491 DR for events related to both versions of the adventure.
  2. Canon material does not provide a year for the events described in Acquisitions Incorporated, but Jerry Holkins answered a question via Twitter and stated the year was 1496 DR. Unless a canon source contradicts this assertion, this wiki will use 1496 DR for events related to this sourcebook.


Lost Mine of PhandelverThe Orrery of the Wanderer
Referenced only
Dragon of Icespire Peak

