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Genies were outsiders native to the elemental planes.[2]


A genie was born when the soul of a sentient living creature melded with the primordial matter of an elemental plane. Only under rare circumstances did such an elemental-infused soul coalesce into a manifest form and create a genie.[1]

A genie usually retained no connection to the soul that gave it form. That life force was a building block that determined the genie's form and apparent gender, as well as one or two key personality traits.[1]

Types of Genies[]

These genies were from the Elemental Plane of Earth, they often ran gem-mining operations there or on the Material Plane.
Genies from the Elemental Plane of Air.
Coming from the Elemental Plane of Fire, these genies are said to be made of basalt, bronze and congealed flames.
These genies were from the Elemental Plane of Water.
Jann drew their powers from all four of the classical elements but were weaker than other genie types.
Genies apart from the rest of geniekind, whom they viewed with varying degrees of antipathy
Distant relatives of the djinn, these genies were elemental spirits of cold and ice.
Tasked genies
Single-mindedly following one profession, these genies were transformed into new shapes by their labor.[4]

Genie magic[]

Marid and dao

A marid (left) and a dao (right).

Genies had a number of inherent magical abilities, but a few among them also trained to gain spellcasting abilities of a sorcerer of its specific element. They created peculiar magic items and employed a number of specialized spells, sometimes in the service of a genie-binding sha'ir.[5] There existed also a path of power for the dao, djinn, efreet and marid, each, which were considered lost paths, i.e. generally unknown to other races.[6]

Bound Genies[]


A Genie unsealed from his lamp by an adventurer.

Genies were sometimes bound to magic items and forced to serve others. Examples of these items included a ring of genie summoning, a lamp of genie summoning, and an astrolabe of entrapment. All genies resented this kind of enslavement.[7]

It was possible to free a genie trapped by this kind of servitude by either destroying the device binding them, or using a wish to free the genie. Genies freed from this imprisonment were almost always incredibly grateful to whoever freed them, though they typically did not hang around for long once freed.[7]


In Zakhara, genies were age old enemies of that region's giants, for the latter once ruled much of the land and over time there had been many clashes between them that led to a decline in the giants' population. Genies refused to recognize the traditions of these giants and didn't talk much of them at all, considering them unimportant in the larger scheme of things. Zakharan giants in turn refused to give genies tribute or sacrifice and would not acknowledge them as being superior to themselves.[8]

All genies felt fear and hatred towards Ghul-kin, but especially great ghuls. This was because the latter could command genies like a sha'ir, a power which they resented them for. Genies would often destroy a great ghul's home whenever it was discovered. Despite all this animosity, genies occasionally had great ghuls serve them.[8]

Rumors & Legends[]

In the land of Zakhara, some claimed that genies were created by the Zakharan pantheon to punish the empires of Kadar and Nog for resisting the faith of Enlightenment[9] or that they were initially unleashed upon the Prime Material for this reason. Those who believed in this told a tale of a minor power among the pantheon traveling throughout the cities of both empires in a mortal disguise and warning their citizens that the Great Gods were angry with them. After being met with ridicule and thrown stones, the wisest among the pantheon suggested that they appoint the genies to be their generals and carry out their will. After this was agreed upon the gods went to the genies and told them, "Go you now into the land of ins and punish them for forgetting us."[10]



Secret of the Djinn


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Christopher Perkins (2014-09-30). Monster Manual 5th edition. Edited by Scott Fitzgerald Gray. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 141–146. ISBN 978-0786965614.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Skip Williams, Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook (July 2003). Monster Manual v.3.5. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 115. ISBN 0-7869-2893-X.
  3. Doug Stewart (June 1993). Monstrous Manual. (TSR, Inc), p. 126. ISBN 1-5607-6619-0.
  4. Wolfgang Baur, Steve Kurtz (1992). Monstrous Compendium Al-Qadim Appendix. (TSR, Inc). ISBN l-56076-370-1.
  5. Wolfgang Baur (November 1993). Secrets of the Lamp. Genie Lore. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 48–62. ISBN 978-1560766476.
  6. Wolfgang Baur and Steve Kurtz (April 1995). “Paths of Power”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #216 (TSR, Inc.), pp. 42–49.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Wolfgang Baur (November 1993). Secrets of the Lamp. Genie Lore. (TSR, Inc.), p. 47. ISBN 978-1560766476.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Wolfgang Baur (November 1993). Secrets of the Lamp. Genie Lore. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 43–44. ISBN 978-1560766476.
  9. Steve Kurtz (1994). Al-Qadim: Ruined Kingdoms: Campaign Guide. (TSR, Inc), pp. 4–5. ISBN 1-56076-815-0.
  10. David Cook (October 1992). “The Steaming Isles”. In Bill Slavicsek ed. Golden Voyages (TSR, Inc.), p. 2. ISBN 978-1560763314.
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