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The Gilded Feather was a pretty-parlor, or beauty salon, located in Suzail, the capital of Cormyr in the 15th century DR.[1]


The Gilded Feather stood on Suzail's grand Promenade, two city blocks west of Castle Obarskyr with Danain's hardware store and the Witch-Duke's Bride as its neighbors to the east.[2] By the late 15th century DR, the Gilded Feather was the most prestigious and expensive pretty-parlor in Suzail. The shop's staff and proprietors scoffed at masked dancers from less reputable establishments in the city.[1]


In the Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR, Lord Arclath Delcastle sponsored Amarune Whitewave's fellow masked dancers from the Dragonriders Club to be primped at the Gilded Feather at great expense, despite the pretty-parlor's sneering attitude towards these common dancers.[1]


See Also[]


Novels & Short Stories


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Ed Greenwood (August 2010). Elminster Must Die (Hardcover). (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 17. ISBN 978-0786951932.
  2. Map included in Ed Greenwood (June 2011). Elminster Must Die (Mass Market Paperback). (Wizards of the Coast). ISBN 978-0786957996.