Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Gilern Ghostwise was a ghostwise halfling that lived with his kin in the wilds of the Sword Coast North in the late 15th century DR.[1]

We prefer to live apart. But you seem an alright sort.
— Gilern Ghostwise[1]


Gilern and his band lived in the wilderness near Raven Cliff Beach, not far from Cragmire Keep. They lived secretive lives, conducting raids in order to secure the resources they needed to live.[1]


In the late 1370s DR, Gilern's band had only recently moved into the area. A passing merchant sighted them and mistook them for "feral midgets". Learning of this, in the Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR, the halfling Cecil Proudfoot hired a fellow halfling adventurer find them so the ghostwise and halfling travelers could help each other against local marauders.[1]

However, a member of Gilern's band was struck with an arrow shot by a gnoll blood-tracker aligned with the Blackdagger Bandits and they sheltered in the bushes. Gilern requested aid from the adventurer in fighting the gnolls in order for his kin to recover and his clan to get to safety. After that, they promised to harass the bandits from the forest.[1]



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