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The Golden Crown was a galleon from Calimshan used to transport treasure.

In the early 1330s DR, the Golden Crown was carrying a cargo of gold and silver ingots, electrum bars, and a valuable quantity of gems from the Calishite mining colony of Berranzo on the island of Gundarlun in the Trackless Sea. Also on board was the wizard Hoch Miraz of Calimshan. Struck by a storm, the Golden Crown sunk off the coast of the island, and lay beneath 70 feet (21 meters) of water. Its precious cargo and Hoch Miraz's possessions were still thought to lay there in 1370 DR.[1][2]


  1. Jennell Jaquays (1988). The Savage Frontier. (TSR, Inc), p. 36–37. ISBN 0-88038-593-6.
  2. slade, et al. (April 1996). “The Wilderness”. In James Butler ed. The North: Guide to the Savage Frontier (TSR, Inc.), p. 40. ISBN 0-7869-0391-0.