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The golden scarab beetle was an ancient golden statuette of Mulhorandi origin and an heirloom of the Wands family of Waterdeep.[1]


The golden scarab beetle possessed an unspecified enchantment that, according to the legends, granted good luck to any member of the Wands family who had the scarab in their possession.[1]


The golden scarab originally belonged to the married couple, Ankh-Kephra and Nephryt, a talented and rich pair of Mulhorandi wizards who settled in Waterdeep. According to the tradition of their culture, the wizards eventually were interred in a lavish and dangerous burial tomb. There, the couple continued their existence as undead or magical echoes.[1]

An unknown thief or a grave robber managed to find a way into the Tomb of Ankh-Kephra in Undermountain and stole the enchanted scarab. Eventually, the scarab found its way to the Wands family of Waterdeep, where it stayed for generations as an heirloom.[1]

In 1370 DR, Marcus Wands, a scandalous Wands youth, stole the heirloom from Maskar Wands, wanting to use its magic to fuel his adventuring career and fill his pockets with gold. The adventuring career was cut short as a two-headed troll took the scarab from Markus during his first expedition into Undermountain. Maskar requested aid from Khelben Arunsun and his trusted agent known as the Khelbenite, who performed special missions for the Blackstaff in Waterdeep's mega-dungeon. Khelbenite tracked the lost scarab back to the Tomb of Ankh-Kephra and navigated its perilous traps and undead guardians to reach the tomb's inner chambers. The adventurer met the wizard spouses, who explained that the scarab was in its rightful place. Agreeing to leave the artifact with its owners, Nephryt complemented the adventurer for the decision and rewarded Khelbenite with the scarab, satisfied with the hero's morals. The scarab was returned to Maskar Wands.[1]

Notable Owners[]

  • Ankh-Kephra and Nephryt: the original owners of the statuette.[1]
  • Maskar Wands:the patriarch of the Wands family in the mid–14th century DR.[1]
  • Markus Wands: the ne'er-do-well offspring of the Wands family who stole the scarab in the mid–14th century DR.[1]


See Also[]


Video Games
Descent to Undermountain

