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Gravia Maxillian was a reluctant lesser lycanthrope who was forcefully transformed into a werewolf by Jonas Maxillian Senior and later lived with him and birthing Jonas Maxillian Junior in the Maxillian Manor in the Western Farmlands circa 1372 DR.[1]


Gravia wore a simple blue dress and had medium-length brown hair. As a lesser lycanthrope, she was averse to sunlight and had pale skin.


Gravia served her lycanthrope progenitor unwillingly. She was forced to be their servant, cook, and cook up batches of her famous hot apple cider, spiked with sleeping poison. The lycanthropes posed as simple apple orchard farmers. Gravia maintained an illusion of a farm wife; however, she appeared slow, depressed, and unwilling to communicate with any of the farm's "guests" to be drugged and killed.[1]


Gravia Maxillian was not a malicious monster like the rest of her "family." Jonas Senior tracked the woman as she moved through the woods by herself one evening. The werewolf turned Gravia into one of their kin. However, something went wrong. When transformed, Graviadid not show bloodthirst nor had the full scope of lycanthropes' powers. Later, she speculated it was her own goodly nature that fought against the nature of the beast.[1]

With the werewolves of the Maxillian Manor, Gravia led a miserable existence. Locked inside due to her masters and aversion to sunlight, she felt her existence was daily torture. She birthed a son, Jonas Maxillian Junior, a bloodthirsty and evil monster just like his father. The werewolves had a long-running lineage of creatures who preyed on the folk of Western Farmlands. At some point in the family's past, Maxillians built a labyrinth underneath the Maxillian Manor. The place to leave their prisoners in and hunt them as animals, only to catch them and rip them to shreds in the frenzy of the chase. No-one has ever escaped the trap, until 1372 DR.[1]

That was when the werewolves caught the attention of the passing by Hero of Daggerford. The cheerful goodly apple farmers, da Jonas, and his son invited the strangers over for a mug of Gravia's famous cider and to join Jonas Maxillian Junior's birthday celebration. The Hero agreed and was drugged. The adventurer woke up in the stone labyrinth along with another victim of the celebration - a gnome named Pettywick Wocket. The Hero was naked and hunted by the young werewolf as his birthday hunt. However, the Hero of Daggerford outwitted the lycanthrope and found the stolen equipment, splaying both father and son.[1]

Gravia welcomed the demise of her so-called family, breathing easily for the first time since she was turned. She said even to feel the evil taint leaving the farm, with the lycanthropes gone. Gravia mourned the death of her son, but she knew that were he left alive, the Maxillian murders and tradition of creating unwilling werewolves to join the family would've continued.[1]

She was going to stay on the farm, away from others in fear of adventurers or monster hunters coming to slay the unwilling werebeast. However, the Hero of Daggerford suggested the woman to seek out the followers of Selûne, the Moonmaiden and the goddess of good and neutral-natured lycanthrope followers. Gravia was delighted she was not alone and immediately set out to the closest Selunite temple.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford

