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Greshlyrr was a kobold chief of the Scything Claw tribe in Turmish in 1358 DR.[1]


Greshlyrr gained fame among his tribe from an episode in his past: in an abandoned den he found a masterfully crafted figurine of the kobold god Kurtulmak, and only a second after he had exited the den with his prize the den collapsed in an earthquake. This was seen by the tribe as a sign of Kurtulmak's blessing to Greshlyrr.[1]

Around 1348 DR, he had become the Scything Claw chief, elevating his tribe to a higher level of civilization. At the same time, he started a war with the nearby gnome settlement of Gildenglade. After many years, it ended with a truce.[1]

In 1358 DR, while he and his warriors were away attacking a band of goblins, an adventuring party raided the home of the Scything Claw tribe.[1] Greshlyrr blamed the nearby gnome village of Gildenglade, and mustered his remaining forces to attack. Greshlyrr lead his unit of kobold Night Stalkers personally in the attack. Secretly, Yrkhetep amused himself watching Greshlyrr.[2]


Greshlyrr was an unusually intelligent and cunning kobold. He was cruel and took joy from others' suffering.[1]


Greshlyrr normally fought with an axe or keenly sharpened scimitar. His prized possession, however, was a sturdy wood and wicker shield emblazoned with a bloody talon glyph that he called Blade Turner.[1]


