Grobnar Gnomehands was a gnome bard of the Sword Coast North in the mid-to-late 14th century DR, best known for his travels with the Kalach-Cha during the Shadow War. A fun-loving and inquisitive soul, he was also known for getting into trouble.[1]

Grobnar's appearance.
Grobnar's appearance could probably be best described as unkempt, though no more so than was typical of gnomes. With wild hair exploding in every direction from his head and a hyperactive mouth, Grobnar exhibited many of the common qualities of gnomes. But while Grobnar often seemed child-like in manner, his physical appearance suggested otherwise. With wrinkles evident along his face, it was clear to observers that Grobnar was far from youthful, in spite of his energy, being well into his middle ages.[1]
Grobnar preferred to dress in leather armor or simple clothes, often carrying with him a lute or other magical instrument. He also claimed to have a codpiece with a spring-mounted shield, amongst other oddball devices.[1]
Jovial and inquisitive, Grobnar was an ever-curious and blissfully bright-eyed individual who took delight in the discovery of new things and their recording. He had a love of tales, collecting them and telling them, though sometimes to a degree that others found irritating. He appreciated such qualities in others as well, complimenting them if they remembered some piece of particularly obscure lore or were able to decipher something he was unable to.[1]
In many ways, Grobnar seemed slightly out of touch with reality, demonstrating what seemed to be an excessive amount of naivete as well as an utter disregard of the dangers involved in some of his research. His belief in the Wendersnaven, against all evidence to the contrary, would cause skepticism amongst many of his companions as to the creatures' existence. However, at other times Grobnar appeared more cunning than he let on, successfully reactivating the badly damaged Construct as well as solving several puzzles on behalf of the Kalach-Cha. Likewise, when Bishop tried to deceive him into providing the overrides for the Construct, Grobnar secretly prepared another set, which he may have used to prevent Bishop's treachery.[1]
Grobnar demonstrated a surprising facility with languages, running through at least six when he attempted to translate "Kalach-Cha". The closest he came to a translation was Draconic, claiming the word meant something like "gizzard stone" if one dropped the 'k'.[1]
Grobnar was a fan of the works of Deekin Scalesinger about Undrentide and the Underdark.[1]
Early Life[]
Grobnar hailed from a family of story, though a few others were executed in Luskan.[1]
He was also supposedly once polymorphed into a mule.[1]
The Shadow War[]
The Kalach-Cha and company first encountered Grobnar in an open field on their way to Old Owl Well to aid in the search for a missing ambassador of Waterdeep in the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR. Grobnar had decided to camp there hoping to catch the attention of a Wendersnaven, mythical creatures that could supposedly not be seen nor touched and were both everywhere and nowhere at once. After encountering the party and relating to them a story, Grobnar offered to join and may have continued to travel with the Kalach-Cha throughout the Shadow War, in search of new inspirations.[1]
Grobnar would be considered an annoyance by some members of the group, however, such as Khelgar Ironfist or Bishop, although he grew on others. Notably, if Shandra Jerro joined the party, she and Grobnar would grow to form a sibling-like relationship, often spending time together and he would be the most affected by her tragic death. Grobnar would also prove useful in his own way, helping to solve puzzles, reconstructing a damaged blade golem the Kalach-Cha found while rescuing Shandra, and possibly helping to prepare the defenses of Tavorick's estate. He may have also helped the Kalach-Cha during their Trial by Combat through the use of various enchantments.[1]
Joining the group would also give him the chance to carry out a search for the Wendersnaven whilst the Kalach-Cha was seeking out allies for Crossroad Keep. While the chase would seem ultimately pointless, Grobnar would claim to have found an invisible kazoo, the Wenderkazoo. While many doubted its existence, particularly since it was impossible to see and it sounded, when played, like Grobnar humming, it did appear to increase the effectiveness of Grobnar's spells.[1]
Nevertheless, Grobnar would prove a useful ally and would, along with the rest of the Kalach-Cha's companions, take part in the assault on the King of Shadows' fortress in the Vale of the Mere. There, Grobnar could have played a pivotal role by ensuring the Construct's loyalty to the party instead of to the King and his servant Garius, depending on how close the gnome was to the Kalach-Cha and whether or not the treacherous Bishop chose to flee or not.[1]
Ultimately, however, Grobnar would not survive the battle. After the defeat of the King of Shadows, the fortress began to collapse, having been held together apparently by the magic of their enemy. In the chaos, the Construct, whilst helping to clear the rubble, became in danger of being crushed by the rubble falling. Eager to save his beloved golem, Grobnar threw himself over the Construct, in a vain attempt to protect it, an act which Ammon Jerro witnessed and later related to the Kalach-Cha.[2]
Some time later, after the Shadow War and Kalach-Cha's disseverance, stories of a certain awful bard, the gnome named Grobnar Gnomehands began appearing across taverns and inns of the Sword Coast North.[3]
Behind the Scenes[]
Grobnar was voiced by Andrew Pang in Neverwinter Nights 2. In German, Grobnar's name sounds similar to a composition of the words grob, meaning "rough", "crude", or "course" and narr meaning "fool", "jerk", or "jester." Whether this was an intentional pun on the part of the developers is unknown.
Like many characters, Grobnar suffered slightly from deleted content. One example was a conversation between him and Duncan Farlong, in which the bar owner complained that Grobnar did far too much talking and too little performing and that what performing he did generally drove customers away, rather than bringing new ones in. He also mentions Grobnar's disconcerting habit of "breaking" various items in an attempt to "improve" the Sunken Flagon.
- Video Games
- Neverwinter Nights 2
- Referenced only
- Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer • Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir
External Links[]
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon.
Grobnar Gnomehands article at the NWN2Wiki, a wiki for the Neverwinter Nights 2 games.
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 Obsidian Entertainment (October 2006). Designed by Ferret Baudoin, J.E. Sawyer. Neverwinter Nights 2. Atari.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Obsidian Entertainment (September 2007). Designed by Kevin D. Saunders. Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer. Atari.
- ↑ Obsidian Entertainment (November 2008). Designed by Tony Evans. Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir. Atari.
Companions of the Kalach-Cha | |
In West Harbor | Amie Fern • Bevil Starling • Kipp |
On the Sword Coast | Ammon Jerro • Bishop • Casavir • Construct • Elanee • Grobnar Gnomehands • Khelgar Ironfist • Neeshka • Qara • Sand • Shandra Jerro • Zhjaeve |
In Mulsantir | Ammon Jerro • Gannayev-of-Dreams • Imaskari golem • Kaelyn • Okku • One of Many • Safiya |