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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Grykk Bannersworn was a young and inexperienced adventuring paladin of Torm who was raised in a monastic order and sought to gain life experience in the city of Neverwinter, active in the late 14th century DR.[1]

Graceful of you to mention my devotion and not my race - you are not like many. That is admirable.
— Grykk Bannersworn[1]


In the late 14th century DR, Grykk Bannersworn was still an unusually young man for a paladin. He was a half-orc with a large brutish face, brown hair, and wild eyebrows over his huge blue eyes. He had a gray hide. He was a nervous young man who still wore his armor and wielded his weapons with well-trained ease, yet noticeably without having enough real combat experience.[1]


Grykk carried a set of unique heavy armor and a unique heavy shield into the city of Neverwinter on his quest for good.[1]


Grykk was a member of a monastery dedicated to Torm, The Hand of Righteousness, where he was trained from a young age to weild weapons and wear armor in compat to honor the dogma of his church. After he learned everything he could from the monastery's teachers, they sent the young half-orc into the world to gain life experience, do just deeds, and aid the suffering. He arrived in the city of Neverwinter, attracted to the recent strife and economic distress, where he found a home at The Wailing Wench Tavern on Tyr's Eye plaza in the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR. From there, Grykk Bannersworn attempted to find adventuring employment with a goodly group of people, waiving all fees. Were the adventurers of not good law abiding nature, Grykk charged them 1,000 gp for his services and absolutely refused employment with malicious and chaotic groups.[1]

Grykk may have had joined a group of adventurers who worked alongside merchant Sa'Sani of the Mercantile House, were they aligned in their goals to help Neverwinter's recovery. If Grykk were to collect 1,000 gp from the adventurers as a "proof of their sincerity," the half-orc would send that hefty sum to his brothers and sisters back in the monastery to pay for supplies to be given out to the needy. Soon after, Grykk and his new companions uncovered a plot of the dark god Zehir to swallow the Sword Cost with his Forktongue Cultists. Subsequently, he heroes traveled to the Temple of World Serpent from where the Forktongues operated, and defeated Zehir's avatar.[1]



