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Harazos Thelbrimm was a human fighter and a Gauntlet of the city of Loudwater in the Delimbiyr Vale in the mid-to-late 14th century DR.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]


Serving alternatively as Gauntlet of the Eastern Marches[6][8][9] and Gauntlet of the Western Marches,[7][note 1] Harazos Thelbrimm was one of the joint commanders of the Loudwater militia. He served under the command of High Lord Nanathlor Greysword[1][2][3][4][5] and later Kalahar Twohands.[6]


He held this position by 1357 DR,[1][2] and remained in the role through the 1360s DR.[3][4][5] He was a veteran of many battles against goblins, giants, the Zhent forces of Llorkh, and more.[6][7]

During the Night of the Blood Moon in the Year of the Gauntlet, 1369 DR, both Gauntlets Harazos and Kalahar happened to be out of the city when Malar-worshiping lycanthropes assaulted Loudwater for two nights straight. Harazos and Kalahar returned in time for the third night and organized the defense of the city.[8] Shortly after, Nanathlor Greysword passed away and while Kalahar became the High Lord of Loudwater, Harazos remained as Gauntlet.[6][7]


Harazos was a battle-hardened old soldier, with a stern and grizzled manner, no-nonsense approach, and commanding authority.[7] He did not like the so-called savage humanoids like goblins, whom he regarded as pests.[6]


He was bald but bearded. He had a noticeable jagged scar running the right corner of his mouth and down his neck; he grew the beard to conceal it, but wasn't successful.[7]

Rumors & Legends[]

Accounts varied on where Harazos got his distinctive facial scar; some said it was inflicted by a champion of the Zhent-serving Mayor of Llorkh, Geildarr Ithym, while others claimed it was made by High Lord Kalahar Twohands himself.[7]



  1. Gray Hunt has Harazos as Gauntlet of the Western Marches, despite all other adventures and materials in Legacy of the Green Regent establishing him as Gauntlet of the Eastern Marches. It may be that he began as western Gauntlet then switched to eastern, that this is a rotating position, or that he was filling in between Jaida Zerezeal and Isyan Kiy'sisnos.


Organized Play & Licensed Adventures
ExterminationGray Hunt

