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Harrandave Donohar (or Harandave Donohar) was a human man living in the city of Wheloon in Cormyr. He was a priest of Chauntea.[1][2][3][4]

By 1358 DR, Harandave was the high priest of the Harvest Hall temple in Wheloon,[1] and he still held the position in 1369 DR.[2][3] Harandave died and was succeeded by his daughter, Katriana Donohar, by 1374 DR.[4]

He oversaw the temple and fourteen minor cleric followers, including his daughter Katriana.[2][3][4] He had a large number of divine scrolls, which were left to Katriana. Harandave was also a famed paladin.[4] [note 1]



  1. Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave, page 148, describes Harandave as "a famed paladin", though prior sources all agree that he is a priest, and his alignment does not typically allow for paladins. This may be in error, based on a misreading of the "P" abbreviation, but is not impossible as Chauntea does accept paladins, such as the Field Guardians, of which Harandave could be a member. The adventure also changes the spelling from "Harandave" to "Harrandave".

