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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Hasklar's Arms & Armor was a shop in Yartar in the mid-to-late 14th century DR that offered perhaps the highest–quality and most expensive armor in all of the North. It was run by Hasklar.[1][2]


Hasklar's Arms & Armor boasted a wide variety of armaments, that came in many shapes and sizes. The prices were as expensive as any others found throughout the Sword Coast North.[1][2]

Unlike some other armorers, Hasklar was not a smith and sold his wares "as is". He could not offer any wearer-specific modifications or alterations.[1]

Among the items for sale were:[1]

  • Throwing daggers that could be uniquely joined together in pairs – 6 gp apiece
  • Bucklers with a removable center that could be placed over the grip of a lance – 1 gp
  • Gorgets with a small interior pouch – 4 gp


The shop was well-protected by what appeared to be two animated weapons, that were diligent in their pursuit of shoplifters. In fact, these weapons were wielded by the watchghost that was dedicated to Hasklar, along with several other undead spirits.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Ed Greenwood (1993). Volo's Guide to the North. (TSR, Inc), p. 102. ISBN 1-5607-6678-6.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 slade, et al. (April 1996). “Cities & Civilization”. In James Butler ed. The North: Guide to the Savage Frontier (TSR, Inc.), p. 40. ISBN 0-7869-0391-0.