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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Haunted Halls of Eveningstar is a 2nd-edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons adventure module for the Forgotten Realms.

Welcome to the picturesque village of Eveningstar, nestled at the foot of the Stonelands where the River Starwater winds down a gorge and snakes into the King's Forest.

Here, the Knights of Myth Drannor began their famous adventures. Here, the Ladies of the Brazen Blade, The Company of the Singing Sword, The Steel Shield Band, and many others came, clutching royal charters from King Azoun with the ink scarcely dry on the parchment. Some fell, some went on to greatness - but they all came here first: here, to the Haunted Halls.

Despite numerous infiltrations, the Halls have not yet yielded all their secrets or treasures. Many dangers lurk as deadly as ever in dark chambers herein, awaiting new companies of eager-eyed adventurers.

Is it your turn to dare The Haunted Halls? Many come, but few survive to again see Eveningstar's beauty.

Welcome, then. Enter in, and find in these pages:

  • A challenging introductory-level dungeon.
  • A detailed countryside setting, including important local personages, local color, and guidelines for play.
  • Suggested campaign plots and adventures.
  • New spells.
  • New magical items.
  • New monsters.
A splendid campaign can begin here. Adventurers in an ongoing campaign can stop by for a memorable visit. Those looking for an underground stronghold may even find a home in the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar.


Haunted Halls of Eveningstar revolves around the mysterious or supernatural location known as the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar and is the 1st book in the FRQ series.

It provides an extensive description of the Halls of Eveningstar, complete with maps and room-by-room breakdowns. It included the history and backstory of the Halls, explaining why they are haunted. It also has descriptions of the various creatures that inhabit the Halls, along with NPCs connected to the location. Stats and role-playing information for these characters are included.


  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Eveningstar
  • Chapter 2: The Countryside
  • Chapter 3: The Long Arm Of The Law
  • Chapter 4: The Haunted Halls
  • Suggested Campaign Plots & Adventures
  • Magical Items of Eveningstar
  • Monsters of Eveningstar
  • Dungeon Dressing Table



Old MegTaburg ShenTessaril Winter


crawling clawdoppelgangergreen slimehuge spiderju-ju zombiekoboldlock lurkermimicmummyowlbearskeletonstirgetressym
Referenced only
boargiant rabbitgnollgoatlizard manmulepheasantponyrabbitsharradasheep


Thaddath farm


necklace of mystic eidolons


Armor & Clothing
breechesgreat helm
Food & Drinks
beerbiscuitcheesevinegarwine (firewine)
Materials & Substances
Referenced only



  • Design: Ed Greenwood
  • Editing: Anne Brown
  • Cover Art: Erik Olson
  • Interior Art: Valerie Valusek
  • Cartography: Diesel
  • Typography: Tracey Zamagne
  • Production: Erin Wilk


See Also[]

External Links[]

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon.

