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Hawkblade's Evenhorn was a periodical chapbook published by Hawkblade in the city of Everlund of the Silver Marches in the late 15th century DR.[1]


Hawkblade's Evenhorn was a lighthearted and editorially liberal publication filled with local news, humorous and biting commentaries on the local persons of importance, and recent events. The chapbook published opinion pieces and reviews on occasion, as well as saucy gossip from the neighboring city of Silverymoon. The owner and contributor of the Evenhorn, Hawkblade, was a once-lover of Alustriel Silverhand, the leader of Silverymoon, and he never missed an opportunity to write about her beauty, latest grand outfits, accomplishments, as well as rumors of her current love affairs (many of which could not be corroborated).[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 So Saith Ed Oct – Dec 2006. (25-11-2021). Retrieved on 25-11-2021.