Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Hazamarch was one of the Golden Marches of Tethyr. It was an agriculturally focused county and struggled with competing monster populations.[1]


Monster hunters and adventurers were very welcome in Hazamarch. A high population of monsters lived in the area, particularly goblinoids, and there were few settlements to produce troops to keep them at bay or trade roads for such troops to patrol.[1]

Hazamarch produced barley, millet, and cattle.[1]


County Hazamarch was located in the northeast of Tethyr. It was bordered on the west by county Varyth of the Crown Lands. To the north and east were Valashar and county Morninggold on the other side of the River Ith. The River Ith also formed the southern border, and on the other side was the duchy of Suretmarch.[3]

The most interesting geological feature in Hazamarch was the Gorge of the Fallen Idol, a steep-walled canyon carved by the River Ith as the river turned west to flow toward the sea.[1][3]


In 1370 DR, the moody paladin of the Order of the Silver Chalice and Marchlord of Tethyr, Rikos Dughol, was the count of Hazamarch. His fortress was Iltarghal Keep.[1]

Notable Locations[]

A temple of Helm in Survale Ford dedicated to the hero Chevan.
Gorge of the Fallen Idol
A canyon where an ancient monolith to the old hobgoblin deity Nomog-Geaya once stood.
Survale Ford
A town on the River Ith dedicated to Helm and the only place east of Darromar where one could safely cross the river.



