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Helayna was an unlucky shadar-kai adventurer who worked in Cormyr during the late 15th century DR.[1][note 1]

What brings you to this dismal and wretched set of caverns in the middle of nowhere?
— Helayna[1]


Helayna had pale grayish skin and black hair. She had half of her hair shaven, and the rest set in dreadlocks. She also had some tattooed designs on the right side of her face, ring piercings along the bridge of her nose, and a piercing beneath her lower lip. She wore light armor and a buckler, and carried a pair of serrated daggers.[1]


Helayna had a rather flat and stoic manner, not showing much emotion.[1]


Oh, we were ambushed by a large party of kobolds. They were a lot tougher than we expected them to be, and had access to magics I never would've expected them to be able to use. It was, rather embarrassing, actually.
— Helayna[1]

Around the Year of the Awakened Sleepers, 1484 DR, Helayna and her friends Popkin Shortshanks, Jarus Brithandir, Liantor Stoneborn, Kirina Aelorothi, and Tristran of Daggerford discovered an ancient tomb at the bottom of a crevasse in the Stonelands. They initially fought their way past some undead inhabitants, then discovered a hidden passage leading into deeper caves. After passing deeper underground, the group was ambushed by the kobolds of Clan Daeronnax, whose sudden attack separated the members. Popkin alone escaped to the surface and returned to Eveningstar to get assistance.[1]

After losing her comrades, Helayna scouted the tunnels in search for the rest of her group, but didn't meet any success. Thanks to Popkin's actions, Helayna was among the survivors recovered by a second party of adventurers who were able to use word of recall-imbued trinkets to instantly send her to safety in Eveningstar.[1]



  1. Menace of the Underdark (including Web of Chaos) is dated to the period of 14841485 DR, as it references the ongoing Darkening. Shadowfell Conspiracy (including Disciples of Shadow, Shadow Under Thunderholme, The Druid's Deep, and The High Road of Shadows) are dated to the same period, as they are stated to take place at roughly the same time as Menace of the Underdark.


