Hevesar Dimpet was the leader and appointed speaker of the farmers from Liam's Hold, just outside Daggerford circa 1372 DR.[1]
Hevesar was a middle-aged scruffy but handsome male with brown hair.[1]
Hevesar was partial to alcoholic cider.[1]
Like many other farmers and shepherds from the dangerous lands outside of Daggerford, Hevesar knew how do defend himself and he's fought off packs of wolves away from his cattle in the Wild Pastures many a time.[1]
Jerick the Shepherd of Wild Pastured was Hevesar's brother in law, and Jerick's lad – his nephew.[1]
In 1372 DR, farmer leader, Hevesar Dimpet traveled to Daggerford along with Rorry and Hevesar Dimpet to seek help with the mysterious disappearances of the cattle from Wild Pastures. Dimpet and his fellow farmers tried to petition to the militia of Daggerford, but were turned down, to captain Frederick's displeasure, due to the lack of troops. Both Frederick and Liam Sunmist, Daggerford's cleric of Lathander asked a group of adventurers to aid the troubled farmers, the same group that was working with Astriel Shalyn investigating the mysterious death of the Duke.[1]
Hevesar told the heroes of Daggerford that the cows were disappearing at an alarming rate, like swept away by an unnatural invisible creature. The shepherds and farmers of Liam's Hold desperately needed help and the adventurers were the only solution available. And Hevesar collected gold from all the farmers in the region to pay for such aid.[1]
Soon after a lockdown in Daggerford was over, Dimpet along with his comrades departed for Liam's Hold. Soon after returning home, he petitioned to Mayor Wilsey on behalf of the so-called Hero of Daggerford who promised to help the hamlet with disappearing cattle. Hevesar and Mayor offered the Hero the empty castellated structure that was known as the Stronghold. Wilsey agreed with Hevesar that during this time of danger and tumult, having a hero protecting the community was a wise decision.[1]
- Video Games
- Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford