Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The High Altar of the Moon, or the "Moontower" as the lay people of the city called it, was a temple to Selûne in the city of Iriaebor in the mid–14th century DR.[1]


Just east of the High Tower of Iriaebor stood the round Moontower, a silver-and-black structure.[2]


Against one wall was a series of prayer-boxes built of teak wood. Worshipers would kneel inside these to make private prayers. Each box had a grate in the roof so that light could pour in. In the thirteenth box, by knocking a secret code on the wooden panel (three knocks, a pause, and two more knocks), it would be opened by a member of the Purple Masks Guild, and if recognized they would lead the individual(s) to the Purple Masks' hideout.[2]


High Moonmaiden Astyaril Hulemene[3] led faithful in eerie moonlit rituals. A friend to Harpers, Astyaril added the only touch of romance and mystery to the lives of most Iriaebens. For that reason alone, services here are always attended.[1] There are 36 priests and 51 followers.[3] 


