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House Nightstar was a moon elf house led in 1367 DR by the twin sisters Halaema Nightstar and Saelihn Nightstar.[1]


The family moved to Evermeet after the fall of Myth Drannor. The house's estate was in Leuthilspar, constructed in a mix of architectural styles and was grown magically from stone and wood. Some members of the house traversed Faerûn in order to gather information for the good of Evermeet.[1]


The house was one of only two (the other being House Ahmaquissar) allowed to enter the Hawksong house in Leuthilspar.[2] The house symbol was a silver eight-pointed star displayed above doorways.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Anne Gray McCready et al. (March 1994). Elves of Evermeet. (TSR, Inc), p. 39. ISBN 1-5607-6829-0.
  2. Anne Gray McCready et al. (March 1994). Elves of Evermeet. (TSR, Inc), p. 40. ISBN 1-5607-6829-0.