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House Thaeyalla was a deceased drow house of Menzoberranzan filled with many great wizards.[1]


Founding of Menzoberranzan[]

Just prior to the founding of Menzoberranzan, Menzoberra's legion of drow fought the beholder known as Many Eyes. After the death of countless drow, only seven families stood beside Menzoberra: House Baenre, House S'sril, House Nasadra, House Uusralla, House Tucheth, House Masq'il'yr and House Thaeyalla.[1]


After Menzoberranzan was established, House Nasadra (which was mainly made up of priestesses) ordered around those of House Thaeyalla (which had many talented wizards). The events escalated until the wisest wizard of House Thaeyalla was tortured to death. The members of House Thaeaylla were not happy with this, and went to Menzoberra herself. Menzoberra called to Lloth, and decided that the Nasadra were in the right. In response, House Thaeyalla flocked to a cavern, which was later blasted to pieces, killing off most of the families and Menzoberra to boot.[1]


