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The House of Alon was the historical ruling family of the island of Afyal located in the Cities of the Ancients region of east Zakhara.[1]


The distant progenitors of the House of Alon founded the island kingdom of Afyal shortly after the rise of the Law of the Loregiver and Enlightenment swept though mainland Zakhara, nearly 500 years ago as of 1367 DR[note 1]. The House of Alon shared royal blood with the very first Grand Caliph, a fact of which they were very proud.[1][2]

The members of this ruling family were always eccentric, but leaned more and more toward madness as time went by.[1][2]


The Padishah of Medina al-Afyal in 1367 DR[note 1] was Alad bin Alaq bin Alonka, also known as the "Mad Padishah."[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Canon material does not provide dating for the Al-Qadim campaign setting. For the purposes of this wiki only, the current date for Al-Qadim products is assumed to be 1367 DR.

