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Ice gauntlet was a divine magic spell available to clerics of Auril, the Frostmaiden. It encased one of the caster's fists in a spike-covered ball of ice that was an effective melee weapon.[1]


This spell covered one of the caster's hands with ice spikes that were as hard as rock, giving the wielder the equivalent of a +1 spiked gauntlet that could be used in melee combat. This spell lasted for one minute (higher level casters were able to prolong this) or until it was dismissed, whichever came first. On a successful hit, the gauntlet did physical damage according to the caster's size and strength, plus a modicum of cold damage. The physical attack could be mitigated with normal damage reduction techniques, but the cold attack was not affected—some form of resistance was necessary to prevent the damage caused the frigid temperature.[1]

While a hand was encased in ice spikes, other actions like climbing or casting a spell that required two hands for the somatic component, were more difficult to impossible.[1]

If the wielder of the ice gauntlet was subjected to any damage by fire, the spell ended as the gauntlet melted away.[1]


This spell required only a verbal chant and the caster's holy symbol or divine focus to cast.[1]


This spell was believed to be recorded in a holy book of Auril called Revelations of the Icedawn[2] and was only granted to her clerical followers.[1]


See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Thomas M. Costa (October 2003). “Faiths of Faerûn: Prayers of the Frostmaiden”. In Chris Thomasson ed. Dragon #312 (Paizo Publishing, LLC), p. 65.
  2. Thomas M. Costa (October 2003). “Faiths of Faerûn: Prayers of the Frostmaiden”. In Chris Thomasson ed. Dragon #312 (Paizo Publishing, LLC), p. 62.