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Icehauptannarthanyx, or Icehaupt, was a venerable white dragon who laired on Mount Speartop in the Cloud Peaks of Amn.[1][2][3]


Icehaupt was very cautious and cunning, choosing to avoid detection rather than be known openly.[1] He dealt with the threat of humans by largely ignoring and avoiding them, only attacking when they were easily overcome or about to discover his lair. He understood that knowledge of his lair and the treasure within would bring far more attention than he could handle, and wished to enjoy his favored territory without such bothers.[3]


In the 14th century DR, Icehaupt had a hoard of over half a million danters in jewelry and gems, and more than 30 powerful magical items.[3]


Icehaupt laired in an inaccessible cave on the northeast face of Mount Speartop, about 800 feet (240 meters) short of the peak (itself 14,500 feet (4,420 meters) tall[4]), and was the only dragon of note in the Cloud Peaks besides another mysterious red dragon who was slain by Araugauthos north of Citadel Amnur. He was very reclusive, and only left his lair 15 times between the 6th and 14th centuries DR.[1][2][3]

Although mountaineering to the summit of Mount Speartop was a popular hobby for wealthy Amnians, they rarely encountered Icehaupt. The mountainside around his lair was extremely difficult to climb, and the few who chose that path up were swiftly devoured. As the northeast face was already a dangerous route, their disappearances were blamed on a combination of bad luck and foolishness.[3] Although there were public rumors of ancient dragons lairing on Mount Speartop, thanks to his care they were widely considered completely baseless.[5]

Despite his lofty isolation, Icehaupt took an interest in matters that could affect him. In particular, he kept an eye on Ghazir the Desert's Edge, held by Iryklathagra, to ensure it was not used to alter the cold climate of the Cloud Peaks.[6]


Icehaupt's most notable action was his attack on the realm of Minsorran. During a harsh blizzard in the winter of the Year of Fire and Frost, 600 DR, Icehaupt attacked Minsor Vale and the other three towns and devoured all of their inhabitants, leaving no traces of his passing.[1][7][8]


