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Icewind Dale II is the sequel to Icewind Dale.

A New Adventure Emerges from the Spine of the World!
The call has gone out across the Sword Coast. The Ten Towns of Icewind Dale are paying for mercenaries, soldiers, and adventurers of all types to sail north and defend the town of Targos from encroaching goblinoid hordes. It is up to the heroes to break this grip of evil, or die trying!


Icewind Dale II is set around 30 years after the events of the original game. Its plot revolves around a goblin uprising in the North, known as the Legion of the Chimera, which threatens to overrun the Ten Towns if not stopped.


Icewind Dale II is a real-time adaptation of the Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition ruleset, presented from an isometric perspective with a head-up display (HUD) at the bottom of the screen. The HUD provides access to an automap and a journal that records quests and significant events. The player interacts with the game using a point-and-click interface; for example, clicking on the ground moves the selected character, and clicking on a passive non-player character (NPC) initiates dialogue, offering multiple conversation options.

The game world is divided into area maps, obscured by fog of war, which are revealed as the player explores. A multiplayer mode supports up to six players over a local area network or the Internet. The "Heart of Fury" mode is also available, increasing the game's difficulty and offering more powerful items. The game features over seven hundred items, and the designers included a system that randomizes the items players obtain from enemies.

When beginning Icewind Dale II, the player can choose to play with a pre-selected party or create a custom party of up to six characters. Unlike the Baldur's Gate series, Icewind Dale II does not allow players to import characters from previous Icewind Dale games. During character creation, the player selects each character's gender, race, class, alignment, and attributes, among other options. Players can also choose subvarieties of races or classes.

Race, alignment, and attributes influence the available dialogue options and NPC responses. For instance, some NPCs may be prejudiced against certain races, or a character with low intelligence may have limited dialogue options. Some sub-races in the game are significantly more powerful than the core races of Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition, requiring them to earn more experience points before leveling up. Characters can reach a maximum level of thirty. It is possible to add additional characters to the party at any time, even during combat.

Icewind Dale II's gameplay emphasizes combat, employing a real-time adaptation of the turn-based system from Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition. This adaptation led the developers to remove certain features, such as attacks of opportunity. Dice rolls are simulated by the game. Instead of the traditional turn-based rounds of Dungeons & Dragons, characters operate on independent rounds, during which they can execute one or more actions, depending on the action's duration. The player can pause the game at any time to issue orders to characters. Each character has a limited inventory capacity for carrying items.


Icewind Dale II artwork

Battle against goblins on the Targos palisade.

The story begins in 1312 DR as a group of mercenaries arrive by ship to defend Targos. They report to the town palisade and fend off an assault by the goblin contingent of the Legion of the Chimera's army. After this, the mayor of Targos orders them to start an offensive on the approaching force. The group kills the chieftain of the army, and discovers that he was under the command of a woman named Sherincal. When they return to Targos, the mayor asks them to rendezvous with reinforcements from Neverwinter. The group travels to meet them in an airship piloted by Oswald Fiddlebender.

A storm causes the ship to crash, and the group awakens to discover that a glacier blocks the reinforcements' path.[8] While investigating the glacier, the group finds Sherincal, a half-dragon, guarding the entrance to an Aurilite temple. They learn that Sherincal leads the Legion of the Chimera's western forces, and that the leaders of the Legion of the Chimera, cambion twins named Isair and Madae, reside in the Severed Hand. Inside the Aurilite temple, the group finds a prisoner from Kuldahar, who asks them to warn Kuldahar of the threat posed by the Legion of the Chimera. After this, the group creates a passage through the glacier, and meets with the reinforcements.

As the group travels to Kuldahar, they meet a drow named Nym, who tells them that the pass to Kuldahar is guarded by the Legion of the Chimera, and that an alternate path through the Underdark exists. Later, Isair and Madae locate the group with information from Nym. They state their intention to attack Kuldahar, and warn the group to not interfere. The group then passes through the Black Raven Monastery to enter the Underdark. After exiting the Underdark, they are flown to Kuldahar by Oswald Fiddlebender.

When the group lands in Kuldahar, they discover it has been invaded by the Legion of the Chimera. They meet the Archdruid of Kuldahar, who tells them that a portal has been opened to allow yuan-ti from the Jungles of Chult to assault Kuldahar. After the group prevents the attack, the Archdruid tells them that they may reach the Severed Hand through an exit at the bottom floor of the Dragon's Eye. The group travels through Dragon's Eye, and proceeds to the Severed Hand. Once inside, they learn that the war between the Ten Towns and the Legion of the Chimera was caused by the mayor of Bryn Shander, who had sent Isair and Madae poisoned food. They also discover that a mythal that was cast on the Severed Hand has been corrupted, and the structure will be transported to the plane of Limbo. Eventually, the group finds Isair and Madae, and kills them.



goblin slayers of Targos
Alia Shield-MaidenAmraithAnjaAochaBashshar al RachidBastinadoBeodaewnBlack GeoffreyBlanchard PikeBrastonBrogan (Targos Guard)BrohnCaballusCahl-HyredCaritaCarynaraCrandallDalwynd MeadsbreathDeirdre GallawayEldgullElytharra DinnesmoreEnneliaFirtha KerdosGarkGeldinGhotragGoharGumphGuthewulfe HenghelmHadbrukiHalgren Death's HeadHarbesh CarverHarshomHedron KerdosHonest JonHylei ShadowhandIlquogJorun TamewaterKei the Wooden IdolJariKepp TrapmasterKhatjaKickshawKoluhm BonecutterKylei ShadowhandKylieKyostiLaerisLeeviLlendril CoeLoki (cat)Lumbar GrundwallMagdar ShenlenMordakai of ThayMokrulNaleenNevae QuarNolan the HealerNyzeil NighthammerOagla'taOgrokOinchack'OlpOlap TamewaterOswald FiddlebenderPhaen of the RagsPondmukReig RedwatersRhaekbogRukwurmS'feria RanulScreedSheris LyricistSilence-Before-IronSirge de La SunyaTahvoTianyaTrugnukUlbrec DinnesmoreUlek the BurrowerVeiraVghotanVunargVraednaXukiYquogYurstZack Boosenburry
Referenced only
Aznee FraystringsArakonBelib the WaryBlack DonaldCraum StraugDomDon Di'ArmosDonovanDullcobble TweedFrostmawHagnen OdestoneHeglyfHreidgarHrothgarJerrodKaervasKellem LongeyesKresselackLettoLodurMarg the TremblerMarinerMenselMiraenna OdestoneMyo-MyoPellon KayQuinn SilverfingerRawleigh GallawayRyomaruSammel ColgerShou LungSuhailah el KhabaSuloTim RootfieldThom WainwrightTiernon DenthelmUnseeing EyeWu-WeiWylfdeneYoung Ned


Playable Races
aasimardrowduergarghostwise halflinggold dwarfhalf-elfhalf-orchumanlightfoot halflingmoon elfrock gnomeshield dwarfstrongheart halflingsvirfneblintieflingwild elf
abishai (red, white) • aerial servantbarghestbear (polar) • beetle (bombardier, boring, fire) • beholderboar (arctic) • bugbearcambioncatchickenchimeracold bonescornugoncowcyclopsdeerdemonderrodogdoomguarddoppelgangerdragon (black, white) • drakedriderdrowned deaddryadefreetielemental (air, earth, fire, water) • ettercapfeyrflamewalkerfomorianfrost giantgeniegelugonghostglabrezugnoll • goblin • (dekanter) • golem (crystal, flesh, iron, mind) • half-dragon (blue, red) • half-goblinharpyhell houndhighland cathighland snakehobgoblinhook horrorillithidinvisible stalkerjaguarlava mephitlemurelion (spotted) • lizardmanmad catmaridmind flayerminotaurmummymustard jellymyconidochre jellyogreolive slimeorcorog (neo (black, red)) • otyughpantherrakshasaremorhazsalamander (frost) • scragshadowshambling moundskeleton (boneguard) • spider (giant, wooly, ice, phase, sword) • treanttroll (fire, ice, snow) • tundra yetiumber hulkverbeegviciscameraviperwerebadgerwereratwerewolfwightwolf (dire, winter) • worgwraithwyrmwyvernyuan-ti (abomination, halfblood, histachii, pureblood) • zombie (icepoisonslime)
Referenced only
blackblood urchincrag catgenasighoulkrakenlionwinged serpent


Bodies of water
Black Raven RiverIce LakesShaengarne River
Referenced only
Eastern Ocean

Black Raven Monastery.

Buildings & Sites
Castles & Fortresses
Z'hinda Citadel
Weeping Widow Inn

Weeping Widow Inn.

Inns & Taverns
Evening ShadeSalty Dog TavernWeeping Widow InnWinter's Cradle Tavern
Referenced only
Whistling Gallows Inn
Gallaway Trading Depot
Black Raven MonasteryIce Temple
Referenced only
Hojori TempleSeven Stone Monks Temple
Healing Pavilion
Referenced only
AmnCalimshanCormyrDamaraKozakuraT'u LungThay
Mountains & Hills
Referenced only
Sunset Mountains
Referenced only
Bremen's Run
KuldaharTargosRilauvenShaengarne FordWandering Village
Referenced only
ArabelAthkatlaBerduskBremenCalimportEnholm's PointHornhollowImmerseaLonelywoodLuskanPort LlastSigil (Lady's Ward, Prison) • SilverymoonSlow Cedric's GallopSshamathWaterdeep
ChultDemiplane of ShadowIcewind DaleThe Underdark
Referenced only
Kara-TurReghed GlacierWestern Heartlands
Cold MarshesFell WoodFields of SlaughterHrothgar's ValeIce WallKuldahar Pass


Azure RodBelib's everlasting torchBlack Chimesbruiser staffClenched Fistcraftsman's hammerdredging clawduergar-rorged axeFinal WordGoblin HunterHaft Over HeadHeartKegsplitterKyosti's spearLamia's TongueLolth's StingMemories of Kuldaharmoonblade of SelûneMountains of SelûneNine PacesRyomaru's Harmless Staffscimitar of the defenderstaff of corrosionSulo's Hooksure striking short swordThe Executioner's WifeThe Left Hand of DarknessThe Skirling SkullThy-Dunag bladeWandering Skywhispering staffWidow-ThroughWinged Blight
air genesi armorarmor of the clerics of MyrkulBlack UrchinBrazen BandsDragon SightFlank of the VirginFootman's FollyMyo-Myo's gongPhaen's robe of ragsshield of fortitudestudded leather armor of horrorstudded leather of the shieldwandering hunter's armorWyrm's Maw
chameleon ring of dexteritycleansing medalliongirdle of beatificationhoundstooth collarhowling wolf charmMercykiller's beltprotection from evil ringring of knowingring of mage armorring of the wisesash of the Black RavenWitherbranch boots
acid tipped dartsbullet of corrosive burstbullet of disruptionkeen arrowreturning frost dartshock dartsure strike bulletsparking boltstun bullet
armor of faith potionbraehgdelay poison potiongreater restoration potionlesser restoration potionminor mirror image potionpotion of arcane absorptionpotion of magic dispellingpotion of explosionspotion of shieldpotion of minor elemental barrierpotion of shield of faithpotion of shocking grasp
Wondrous Items
Book of Leavescat's grace wandchromatic orb wandThe dire old lute of Pellon Kayghost-touched bottleHammer of LucerneLucky KnuckyMensel's Obscene GrimoireThe Merry ShorthornPipes of the Wheezing Dragontreadlightly bootswand of aidwand of banewand of greasewand of mage armorwand of evil protectionwand of horrorwinter wolf cloakwinter wolf gloveswinter wolf hatwinter wolf scarfyeti skin bootsyeti skin cloakyeti skin gloveswandering hunter's bootswandering hunter's cloak
acid fogacid stormaegisAganazzar's scorcheraidalicorn lanceanimal rageanimate deadantimagic fieldarmor of faithaura of vitalityball lightningbanebanishmentbarkskinbeast clawBeltyn's burning bloodblack blade of disasterblasphemyblessblindnessblinkblood rageblurbull's strengthburning handscacofiendcall lightningcarrion summonscat's gracechain lightningchampion's strengthchantchaoschaotic commandscharm personcharm person or animalchill touchchromatic orbcircle of bladescircle of bonescloak of fearcloudkillcolor spraycommandcone of coldconfusionconjure animalscontagioncontrol undeadcreeping doomcure critical woundscure light woundscure moderate woundscure serious woundsdarts of bonedeafnessdeath armordeath warddecastavedefensive harmonydelay poisondelayed blast fireballdestructiondire charmdisintegratedismissaldispel magicdivine shelldolorous decaydominate persondoomdraw upon holy mighteagle's splendorelemental barrierelemental legionemotion: despairemotion: fearemotion: hopeemotion: rageentangleexaltationexecutioner's eyesfaerie firefeeblemindfiery cloudfind trapsfinger of deathfire seedsfire shieldfire stormfireballflame arrowflame bladeflame strikeflayingflesh to stonefreedom of movementfrost fingersgateGedlee's electric loopghost armorghoul touchgiant verminglobe of invulnerabilityglyph of wardinggoodberrygreasegreat shoutgreater commandgreater restorationgreater shadow conjurationgreater shield of Lathanderharmhastehealhealing circlehold animalhold monsterhold personholy auraholy powerholy smiteholy wordhorrid wiltinghorrorice bladeice daggerice stormicelanceidentifyimpervious sanctity of mindimproved invisibilityinflict critical woundsinflict light woundsinflict moderate woundsinflict serious woundsinsect plagueinvisibilityinvisibility purgeinvisibility sphereiron bodyiron skinsknocklance of disruptionLarloch's minor drainlesser planar bindinglesser restorationlich touchlightning boltlower resistanceluckmage armormagic circle against evilmagic missilemagic stoneMalavon's ragemalisonmass dominatemass hastemass healmass invisibilityMelf's acid arrowMelf's minute meteorsmeteor swarmmind blankminor elemental barrierminor mirror imagemirror imagemiscast magicmist of Eldathmold touchmoon motesmoonblade (evocation)Mordenkainen's force missilesMordenkainen's swordnegative energy protectionneutralize poisonnon-detectionOtiluke's freezing sphereOtiluke's resilient sphereOswald's mendingphantom bladeplanar bindingpoisonpower word: blindpower word: killpower word: silencepower word: sleeppower word: stunprayerprismatic sprayprotection from acidprotection from arrowsprotection from electricityprotection from evilprotection from fireprotection from lightningprotection from petrificationrainstormraise deadray of enfeeblementrecitationremove curseremove diseaseremove fatigueremove fearremove paralysisresurrectionrigid thinkingsanctuarysee invisibilityseven eyesshadesshadow conjurationshambler (conjuration)shieldshield of Lathandershillelaghshocking graspshoutshroud of flamesilenceskull trapslay livingsleepslowsmashing wavesnakebiteSnilloc's snowball swarmSol's searing orbsoul eaterspell resistancespell shieldspider spawnspike growthspike stonesspirit armorspiritual weaponspiritual wrathstar metal cudgelstatic chargestinking cloudstone to fleshstoneskinstorm shellstrength of onesuffocatesummon djinnisummon efreetisummon fiendsummon invisible stalkersummon monster Isummon monster IIsummon monster IIIsummon monster IVsummon monster Vsummon monster VIsummon monster VIIsummon monster VIIIsummon monster IXsummon nature's ally Isummon nature's ally IIsummon nature's ally IIIsummon nature's ally IVsummon nature's ally Vsummon nature's ally VIsummon nature's ally VIIsummon nature's ally VIIIsummon nature's ally IXsummon shadowsunbeamsunfiresunscorchsymbol of deathsymbol of fearsymbol of hopelessnesssymbol of painsymbol of stunningTenser's transformationthorn spraytortoise shelltremortrollish fortitudeundead wardunholy blightvampiric touchvipergoutvitriolic spherevocalizewail of the bansheewall of firewall of moonlightwebwhirlwindwyvern call



Flag of the Legion of the Chimera.

Annals of HalgrenArcane BrotherhoodBlack Raven tribeBruenghor ClanCult of MalarGallaway Trading CosterHouse de La SunyaIron Collar BandLady's LamentSilverstars of SelûneSisters of the Blood MoonThe Hands of FuryThe Winter RoseUthgardtVunarg Clan
Referenced only
Band of the KeyCult of the EyelessFree LeagueKumoLebermMercykillersMonastery of the Yellow RosePurple DragonsRed WizardsShadow ThievesTribe of the BearTribe of the ElkTribe of the Great WhaleWinnowing Drake Companywitches


AurilBlack RavenHelmLolthMalarMaskMielikkiMyrkulSelûneSilvanusTempusWaukeen


bellows rootBitter-aleBitter BlackBotany BayBremen's RunscinnamonCormyrian brandyDualdon's WakeDualdon's Wake MeadGohar's Galloping GrogGutboy's RevengeHair of the WolfHeart of Winter (book)ironwoodKnee-CrackerLegends of Icewind Dalemaiden's milkmalachiteMoonshae whiskeyOld One EyeoatmealSeason of Raining SpearsShaengarne's ToothThe Ten-Towns: EasthavenThe Ten-Towns: LonelywoodTome of Deeds ValorousTraveler's Guide to Icewind DaleVeira's GazevellumWicked Wench
Referenced only
ballistaGreat Breaktobacco

Icewind Dale II: Enhanced Edition[]

Unlike all the other Infinity Engine games, Icewind Dale II did not get an official "Enhanced Edition" remaster by Beamdog. This is due to the fact that the original source code for the game has been lost.[1]

On November 4, 2023, The Red Chimera Group published an unofficial Icewind Dale II: Enhanced Edition mod using only the WeiDU code and hex editing.[2] The mod lets you pick what changes you want to enable, giving the opportunity to play the updated version of the original game with no additional materials. The team was congratulated by Beamdog[3], and Josh Sawyer, the lead designer of the original game, streamed the mod.[4] The mod uses Andrii Shafetov's logo design made for the Red Chimera Group.




  1. The game takes place around 30 years after Icewind Dale. The exact date is indicated in the party journal as the 1st of Mirtul 1312 DR.


See Also[]

Further Reading[]


External links[]

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon.

