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Jaguars were large, jungle-dwelling felines.[1]


Jaguars were similar in size and appearance to leopards, but were somewhat bulkier and had spotted rosettes. They had golden fur and black spots, but a rare few had black fur and black spots, and were called black jaguars.[1]


Jaguars were ferocious predators, and greatly feared by any humanoid who lived in their territory. They were aggressive and attacked any creature they saw as a potential threat. They stealthily stalked prey, usually from above in the tree cover. Their sharp claws delivered devastating wounds. A jaguar was capable of jumping a distance of up to 30 ft (9.1 m).[1]


Jaguars lived solitary lives and were primarily tree-dwelling, spending most of their time above ground.[1]


Jaguars were obligate carnivores. Despite spending a significant part of their day in the tree tops, jaguars were excellent swimmers. Being solitary creatures, jaguars only mingled with others of their species for mating. A female jaguar had a litter of up to three cubs.[1]


Jaguars were typically found in jungles and were very territorial.[1] In the Shining South, they were known to inhabit the Ajmer Forest and Forest of Amtar.[3]

Beyond Faerûn, jaguars were found throughout Maztica[4] and in the jungles of Zakhara.[5] In east Zakhara, they could be found in the Grey Jungle.[6]


Jaguars had a significant place in Maztica, even having a month named after them in the Maztican calendar.[4] They were the namesake of the Jaguar Knights of Maztica, and a holy symbol of the god of war, Zaltec.[7][8]

Jaguar claws were a token of hishnashapers[9] and used as a material component in certain hishna spells.[10] Mazticans used tough strands extracted from jaguar guts to craft snares to capture parrots and other birds used for pluma magic.[11]

Wild halfling villages in the jungles of Far Payit kept jaguars, using them to kill any prisoners.[12]

Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue sold jaguar hides for 25 gp a piece.[13]



See Also[]



IronhelmRealms of the Dead
Video Games
Icewind Dale IINeverwinter Nights: Pirates of the Sword Coast

External links[]

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Doug Stewart (June 1993). Monstrous Manual. (TSR, Inc), pp. 36–37. ISBN 1-5607-6619-0.
  2. Gary Gygax (December 1977). Monster Manual, 1st edition. (TSR, Inc), p. 56. ISBN 0-935696-00-8.
  3. Tom Prusa (1993). The Shining South. (TSR, Inc), pp. 36, 65. ISBN 1-56076-595-X.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Douglas Niles (August 1991). “A Journey to the True World”. Maztica Campaign Set (TSR, Inc.), p. 94. ISBN 1-5607-6084-2.
  5. Encounters Tables included in Wolfgang Baur, Steve Kurtz (1992). Monstrous Compendium Al-Qadim Appendix. (TSR, Inc). ISBN l-56076-370-1.
  6. Steve Kurtz (1994). Al-Qadim: Cities of Bone: Campaign Guide. (TSR, Inc), p. 16. ISBN 1-56076-847.
  7. Douglas Niles (August 1991). “A Journey to the True World”. Maztica Campaign Set (TSR, Inc.), p. 60. ISBN 1-5607-6084-2.
  8. Douglas Niles (August 1991). “Gods & Battles”. Maztica Campaign Set (TSR, Inc.), p. 25. ISBN 1-5607-6084-2.
  9. Douglas Niles (August 1991). “A Journey to the True World”. Maztica Campaign Set (TSR, Inc.), p. 64. ISBN 1-5607-6084-2.
  10. Douglas Niles (August 1991). “A Journey to the True World”. Maztica Campaign Set (TSR, Inc.), pp. 84–85. ISBN 1-5607-6084-2.
  11. Douglas Niles (1990). Ironhelm. (TSR, Inc), chap. 1, p. 14. ISBN 0-8803-8903-6.
  12. Douglas Niles (August 1991). “Maztica Alive”. Maztica Campaign Set (TSR, Inc.), p. 16. ISBN 1-5607-6084-2.
  13. Jeff Grubb, Julia Martin, Steven E. Schend et al (1992). Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue. (TSR, Inc), p. 75. ISBN 0-5607-6327-2.
  14. Gary Gygax (1979). Dungeon Masters Guide 1st edition. (TSR, Inc.), p. 222. ISBN 0-9356-9602-4.


True Felines
Mundane felines: CheetahHouse catJaguarLeopardLionMountain lionOcelotPantherRed tigerSaber-toothed tigerSand catSnow leopardSnow tigerSpotted lionTiger
Giant felines: Dire lionDire tigerGiant lynx
Magical felines: Cath sheeCrag catElven catJaguar lordJana-nimrJana-qitatLuck eaterSabu lordSwamplight lynxTressymWater cat
Planar felines: Fey pantherSpectral panther
