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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Jamal al-Yindannim was a ranking member of the Brotherhood of the True Flame in Zakhara in 1367 DR.[note 1][1]


Jamal was tall at 6 ft 2 in (190 cm). He was handsome and strong and appeared to be in his early twenties. His dark hair was cropped short. He consumed several potions of longevity to maintain his youthful appearance.[2]


Jamal served as lord of the fortress of Krak al-Niraan, commanding an impressive array of the Brotherhood's forces and maintaining strong control in that region of the Land of Fate.[1]


Jamal owned a wand of the sun, ring of genie summoning, sash of fire resistance, and a pair of bracers of defense. His white aba was fire-proofed and was enchanted with deeppockets. Within his robe was stored his material components, spellbook, six smoke spheres, four greek fire projectiles, and potions of extra-healing, glibness, love, and a vial of Starella's aphrodisiac. Jamal also wielded a pair of poisoned jambiyas and poisoned darts.[2]


Though still a skilled flame mage, Jamal's advancement in the elemental arts was slowed by his romantic and militaristic pursuits. When he grew bored of his latest romantic conquest, he "retired" her to a special harim where he used the women to create sinister nasnas that were completely loyal to him.[1]


In addition to the poor women sentenced to his overflowing harim, Jamal had two wives–Najeeya bint Siddiq and Qumasha al-Arus.[1]

One of Jamal's enchanted rings gave him command over a warmonger genie named Khaizuran.[2]


Jamal studied magic at the university in Qadib. He was particularly interested in fire magic. He enjoyed seducing married women of his fellow students while studying at the university. This behavior led to many sorcerous confrontations with irate husbands, but Jamal always came out on top. It was this nasty reputation that first led the Brotherhood of the True Flame to contact him.[2]

Jamal was tasked by the Bonfire to secure a fortress within the Haunted Lands. This was easily accomplished with the help of Khaizuran. The fortress would be renamed Krak al-Niraan, or the "Castle of Fire."[2]



  1. Canon material does not provide dating for the Al-Qadim campaign setting. For the purposes of this wiki only, the current date for Al-Qadim products is assumed to be 1367 DR.

