The jana-qitat, also called lesser winged cats or fluttercats, were smaller cousins of the jana-nimr. They were usually found within cities.[1]
These creatures looked like house cats that sported a pair of wings from their back. The color of their fur varied greatly, though medium brown with a dark face, paws, wings and tail was the rarest coloration.[1]
Similar to their larger cousins, these cats only attacked if threatened, flying through the air attempting to rake their targets. Mothers fiercely defended their young.[1]
An enclosed lair above ground was the preferred nest of a jana-qitat. They bore litters of 1–3 cubs who lived with the mother for several months before they learned how to fly. Jana-qitat had a lifespan of 20 years.[1]
Fluttercats controlled the vermin population wherever they lived. They were prized as pets and were quite loving toward a master who cared for them. Lucky wizards were known to have a fluttercat as a familiar.[1]
See also[]
Giant felines: Dire lion • Dire tiger • Giant lynx
Magical felines: Cath shee • Crag cat • Elven cat • Jaguar lord • Jana-nimr • Jana-qitat • Luck eater • Sabu lord • Swamplight lynx • Tressym • Water cat
Planar felines: Fey panther • Spectral panther
Humanoids: Rakshasa • Razorclaw shifter • Tabaxi • Wemic
Outsiders: Cat lord • Displacer beast • Foo lion • Hellcat • Leomarh • Leonal
Lycanthropes: Werecat • Werecougar • Werejaguar • Wereleopard • Werelion • Werepanther • Weretiger
Undead felines: Crypt cat