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Jasha Istor was a priestess of Auril in the late-14th century DR.[1]


Jasha Istor was known to possess a variety of spells whose effects related to providing protection against severe cold and winds.[1]


Jasha Istor lived in and operated the Icedawn's House, a cabin shrine to the goddess of winter Auril situated on the Cloud Peaks mountains close to the town of Nashkel. She would greet every traveler that came through the area, seeking donations that she would scatter in the snow to ward off the wrath of Auril. People who stole more than one of these scattered coins in the summer were known to often die from frostbite the following winter.

She was also an expert of navigating the Cloud Peaks, considered by some to be one of the best navigating them, and offered to guide travelers through them for a steep fee.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Steven E. Schend (August 1997). “Book Two: Amn”. In Roger E. Moore ed. Lands of Intrigue (TSR, Inc.), p. 33. ISBN 0-7869-0697-9.