Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Jel al-Galiz was a notable sha'ir and official of Dihliz in 1367 DR.[note 1][1][2]


Jel was a conscientious and trusted servant of the Emira Hassana Alim al-Gaib.[1][2]


Jel held the title of "Minister of Riches" in Dihliz and was in charge of the Ministry of Riches. As such, one of her main focuses was applying minor taxes to any treasures extracted from nearby ruins. Since much of the discovered treasure disappeared overland or was smuggled from the city, Jel focused her attention on regulating any ancient magics found, specifically magic items created by geomancers.[1][2]

Jel often provided grants to explore newly discovered ruins to those who complied with her regulations.[1][2]



  1. Canon material does not provide dating for the Al-Qadim campaign setting. For the purposes of this wiki only, the current date for Al-Qadim products is assumed to be 1367 DR.

