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The Jermlaine language was the racial language of jermlaines,[1][2][3][4] a small malicious race of subterannean dwelling fey within the gremlin family of fey creatures.[2]


Beyond jermlaines themselves, Jermlaine was somewhat common as a secondary language among the demihumans of Faerûn that tended to live subterranean or in the Underdark, such as drow, gold dwarves, shield dwarves, and svirfneblin.[5]


This language had a cadence reminiscent of bats or rats, characterized by high-pitched squeaks and twitters,[2][3] a consequence of jermlaines having small vocals.[3]


Unknown Words[]

The Jermlaine tongue included a word for "footache".[6][note 1]



  1. What exactly this word is was never stated within the cited text.


Organized Play & Licensed Adventures


  1. Don Turnbull (1981). Fiend Folio. (TSR Hobbies), p. 53. ISBN 0-9356-9621-0.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Doug Stewart (June 1993). Monstrous Manual. (TSR, Inc), p. 176. ISBN 1-5607-6619-0.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Johnathan M. Richards (August 1999). “Ecology of the Jermlaine”. In Dave Gross ed. Dragon #262 (TSR, Inc.), p. 57.
  4. Ed Greenwood, Julia Martin, Jeff Grubb (1993). Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 2nd edition (revised), A Grand Tour of the Realms. (TSR, Inc), p. 25. ISBN 1-5607-6617-4.
  5. Roger E. Moore (January 1999). Demihumans of the Realms. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 6–8, 10. ISBN 0-7869-1316-9.
  6. Erik Mona (June 2000). Twilight of the Dirty Turtles. Living City (RPGA), p. 8.

