Jessek, also known as Destruction was an undead beholder who roamed the Lowerdark of the Underdark with his companions, the dread wraith Death and the mummy Disease.[1][note 1]
Hamezaar, the vampire ruler of the Boneyard, once worked to recruit Death, Disease, and Destruction to his undead armies, but they declined for lack of interest.[1]
Circa 1372 DR, the trio were searching for an annihilator, intending to capture and control it with the aid of Jessek's charm monster eye-ray power. After they had an annihilator, Jessek wanted to hunt down and slay the outcast beholder Tobulux for being an abomination, as well as his illithid companion Ralayn who would oppose them.[1]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel (2003-10-24). Underdark Dungeons (Zipped PDF). Wizards of the Coast. p. 4. Archived from the original on 2016-11-01. Retrieved on 2018-09-11.