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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Jhaax Dolbruin, also known as Bladed Jhaax, was a human ranger and former adventurer working as a bartender in the Yawning Portal inn in Waterdeep in the mid-to-late 14th century DR.[1]


He hailed from Waterdeep. In the late 1360s DR, the ranger was exploring the Ardeep Forest when he encountered a band of tomb-robbers desecrating sacred ground. They fought and Bladed Jhaax proved victorious, slaying every last one of them, but not before one of the thieves wielding a vorpal blade cut off his left hand.[1]

His career as a warrior cut short, Jhaax returned to Waterdeep. At the start of the Year of the Banner, 1368 DR, he started working at the Yawning Portal for the owner, Durnan. He established him as an efficient bartender, and as a bouncer when required, apart from one incident when he let his anger get the better of him and threw a half-orc rogue down the well into Undermountain for mocking his missing hand and calling him "Lefty". He was still working there as of the end of Eleint that year.[1]


Apart from the above, Jhaax rarely displayed showed anger at the loss of his hand. He venerated both Mielikki and Tymora.[1]


Once, Bladed Jhaax was renowned as a master of axes, able to wield any kind of axe or bardiche with ease. However, the loss of his hand prevented him from wielding such two-handed weapons. Nevertheless, he remained a powerful and skilled combatant. He could still throw his hand axe clear across the taproom to take out anyone starting a fight.[1]


Formerly, Jhaax wielded a +1 bardiche flametongue, but not after losing his hand. He also claimed the vorpal short sword that took his hand. Otherwise, he kept a hand axe sheathed at his belt constantly.[1]


Jhaax felt genuine love for Tamsil Dryndilstann, Durnan's daughter, even though the girl was half his age—he was in his mid-30s, she was 17. Despite this, he planned to wait and save his money until he could purchase a tavern of his own and support her before asking to marry her. He thought he was quiet and discreet about his feelings, but it was apparent to some, including Durnan and Adama Miiralin. Durnan planned to recruit Jhaax into his Red Sashes at the same time.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Steven E. Schend (March 1996). “The Reports from Undermountain”. In Pierce Watters ed. Dragon #227 (TSR, Inc.), p. 15.