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Jussko Kwahn was a bardic Harper agent in Cormyr during the mid-1480s DR.[1][note 1]

I am a Harper. You have heard of our order? I came in search of a missing nobleman. 'Tis a long tale - but I believed the Druid Halsaime might help me find him. And I thought the master of this house might just lead me to Halsaime.
— Jussko in Uthe Lodge[1]


He had bright orange-red hair and pale skin, wore nondescript gray light armor and carried a bow.[1]


Well met! I had grown weary of nought but bark and leaves for company. You are aware… this place is far from safe? But of course you are. Danger's an old song in your songbook, I can see.
— Jussko in Uthe Lodge[1]

Jussko was rather grand and verbose, as befitting a bard.[1]


Wait, wait! Hold back! Nobody touch that staff! I have a scroll for this!
There, I fixed it. I mean, we fixed it. Thanks for your, uh, help.
— Jussko, causing an explosion[1]

Following the Shadovar invasion of Wheloon and Oriphaun Huntsilver's disappearance with a Nether Scroll, Jussko joined Rina Belostos's team of Harpers in Eveningstar to try and get a handle on the situation, only to arrive during a massive drow invasion. He and his partners Tarim Inavule and Kirinel Zay determined that the druid Halsaime knew something, and tried to find the elusive druid through the ranger Peron Uthe at Uthe Lodge. Unfortunately, Peron was functionally dead, having been transformed into a red musk zombie at the Eveningstar War Hospital, and had "infected" his home with a horde of monstrous creatures led by the insane dryad Sylvie. Jussko infiltrated the plant-choked home, not enjoying the reception, and eventually met up with adventurers sent in by the concerned local Eolynn Arva. Together they overcame the wood woad Falcata and destroyed the dryad Sylvie, saving the day.[1]

Deciding that the druidic situation was more immediately pressing, Jussko, Kirinel, and Tarim changed focus to Halsaime himself and began scouting out Thorngap in order to find the hidden refuge at Druid's Deep. Once again, he arrived well before the adventurers sent to assist him, and Halsaime caught and petrified him. Fortunately for Jussko his backup showed up before anything worse could happen, and Halsaime was killed in battle, breaking the flesh-to-stone transformation upon him. Jussko took a moment to recover, then produced a special magical scroll for that exact situation—one that (mostly) safely destroyed the evil staff that had subverted Halsaime and caused the whole disaster.[1]



  1. Menace of the Underdark (including Web of Chaos) is dated to the period of 14841485 DR, as it references the ongoing Darkening. Shadowfell Conspiracy (including Disciples of Shadow, Shadow Under Thunderholme, The Druid's Deep, and The High Road of Shadows) are dated to the same period, as they are stated to take place at roughly the same time as Menace of the Underdark.


